Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1
Table 5- 21 shows the expected peak month volume of air foreign passengers through Al-
Auja Airport between 2027 - 2050. Assuming that the average percentage of the peak month
from the annual volume equals 10.6% as indicated in Table 5-20.

Table 5 - 21Peak Month Volume of air foreign passengers through Al-Auja Airport

Year Total Air Demand P.M. V
2027 3,925,224 416,074
2034 6,121,291 648,857
2042 10,114,242 1,072,110
2050 16,697,238 1,769,907

Sample of calculation for 2034:

Peak Month Volume = Total air demand∗ 10 .6%

= 6 , 121 , 291 ∗ 0. 106 = 648 , 857 passengers.

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