carboxymethylcellulose. These chemicals, used to create a
creamy mouthfeel in processed foods, have been shown in
animal models to cause inflammation and metabolic
dysfunction through the gut, thus posing a potential threat to
your brain. You can read more about the deleterious effects
of emulsifiers on page.
Also keep in mind that an eight-ounce cup of almond
milk pales in comparison, nutritionally, to even a tiny
handful of actual almonds, while being about ten times more
expensive—one gallon of almond milk contains
approximately thirty-nine cents’ worth of almonds!
Opt for Organic
Choose organic foods whenever possible; however, if
cost presents an issue, simply look up the Environmental
Working Group’s most current “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean
Fifteen” (the EWG puts out a new list every year), which
group conventionally grown produce in terms of least
(“clean”) and highest (“dirty”) pesticide content. Here is an
abbreviated list of brain-optimizing foods as of this writing:
Dirty—Should always be
Clean—Needn’t be
Kale Asparagus
Collard greens Avocados
Spinach Cabbage