The Book of Joy

(Rick Simeone) #1
one,    a   friend, or  even    a   whole   group   of  people, such    as
3 . Reflect on the fact that, just like you, they wish to overcome
suffering and to be joyful. Try to feel a sense of concern for
the well-being of the person or group you are focusing on. Feel
deep within your heart the desire for them to be free of
4 . Taking their suffering. As you inhale, imagine the pain being
drawn from their body and dissolving when it encounters the
warmth and bright light of your compassionate heart. You can
see their pain as dark clouds that are dissolving as they
encounter the bright light of your heart. If the idea of taking in
others’ suffering is concerning or unsettling, you can imagine
their suffering dissolving into a bright orb of light in front of
you that is radiating out from your compassionate heart.
5 . Give out your joy. As you exhale, imagine that you are
sending the person rays of light filled with your love and
compassion, your courage and your confidence, your strength
and your joy.
6 . Repeat this practice of taking the suffering and
transforming it by giving your joy. If you have done this
practice for an individual or loved one, you can extend the
practice to others who are suffering all around the world. If you
are taking the suffering of someone who is being harmed by
others, you can take the cruelty and hatred that is causing the
harm and give your love and kindness. If you feel able, you can
practice taking on the suffering of all beings and giving them
your compassion and your joy. Stay quiet as your love and joy
radiate out from your heart.

Silent Retreat

The Archbishop  once    or  twice   a   year    goes    on  a   seven-  to  ten-day silent
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