100 organic skin care recipes _ make your own fresh and fabulous organic beauty products ( PDFDrive )

(Angelo) #1

Soothe-My-Sunburn Bath

Baking soda creates an alkalized environment that is soothing to the skin.
It has antiseptic properties, can help with the itch, and works as an
exfoliant. Adding baking soda to this simple bath can ease sunburn pain,
itching, and inflammation and get you back on the beach in no time!

YIELDS: 2–3 baths

1 cup baking soda
1 cup raw oatmeal
2 cups dried comfrey leaves
Apple cider vinegar, 2 cups per bath

What you will need: measuring cups, rubber gloves, mixing bowl,
cheesecloth, string, tight-sealing storage container

  1. To Make: Place the baking soda, oatmeal, and comfrey leaves in the
    mixing bowl. Put on the rubber gloves and blend the ingredients together
    with your hands, crushing the comfrey leaves and oats into the baking
    soda, making a uniform mixture. Run a cool-warm bath, not hot. The
    cooler the better, but it should be warm enough to sit in for at least 10
    minutes. Place 1 cup of the bath mix inside of the cheesecloth and tie
    closed to form a loose sachet. Leave room in the sachet for the water to
    flow through and the oats to plump in the bath water. Tie closed with a
    rubber band or string and put it into the tub. When the tub is full, add 2
    cups of apple cider vinegar and swish to blend.

  2. To Store: Store in a tightly sealed container.

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