HttpServlet class, 917, 921, 922
methods, table of, 921
HttpServletRequest interface, 917, 927
methods, table of, 918
HttpServletResponse interface, 917
methods, table of, 918–919
HttpSession interface, 917, 927
methods, table of, 919
HttpSessionBindingEvent class, 917, 922
HttpSessionBindingListener interface, 917, 919
HttpSessionEvent class, 917, 921
HttpURLConnection class, 610–612
hypot( ), 421
Icon interface, 880
Icons, Swing button, 883
Identifiers, 23, 30–31, 41
IdentityHashMap class, 468, 472
IEEEremainder( ), 421
if statement, 26–27, 29, 77–80, 137
and boolean variables, 78
nested, 79
switch statement versus, 84
if-else-if ladder, 79–80
IllegalAccessException, 215, 218
IllegalArgumentException, 218, 441, 443, 444,
445, 446, 458, 464, 465, 466, 481, 482, 483
IllegalFormatException, 528
IllegalMonitorStateException, 218
IllegalStateException, 218, 441, 446, 826, 917
IllegalThreadStateException, 218
Image class, 665, 755, 756–757
ImageConsumer interface, 767–769, 770
ImageFilter class, 770–782
ImageIcon class, 880
ImageObserver interface, 757, 758–759, 762
ImageProducer interface, 756, 765–767, 770
imageUpdate( ), 758, 762
flags, table of, 759
Images, 755–786
animation of, 783–785
creating, loading, displaying, 756–757
double buffering and, 759–772
stream model for, 770
Imaging, 765
IMG tag, 630
implements clause, 194
and generic interfaces, 338–339
import statement, 190–191
and static import, 309, 311
in, 288, 407, 409
Increment operator (++), 28–29, 57, 60–62
indexOf( ), 370–372, 383, 443, 488, 489
IndexOutOfBoundsException, 218, 443
Inet4Address class, 603
Inet6Address class, 603
InetAddress class, 601–603, 613
InetSocketAddress class, 613
infinity (IEEE floating-point specification
value), 390
InheritableThreadLocal class, 429
Inheritance, 17–19, 20–21, 138, 141, 157–182
and annotations, 284
and enumerations, 261
final and, 180–181
and interfaces, 183, 193, 202–203
multilevel, 167–170
multiple superclass, 159, 183
@Inherited built-in annotation, 282, 283
init( ), 619, 621, 622, 623, 624, 669, 908, 910, 912, 913
and Swing, 871, 873
initCause( ), 219, 221
Inline method calls, 180
Inner classes, 145–148, 660–662
anonymous, 662
InputEvent class, 640, 643–644, 645
InputStream class, 286, 287, 288, 289, 540, 541,
562, 564, 567, 569, 570, 572, 577, 595
methods, table of, 563
objects, concatenating, 573–574
InputStreamReader class, 288, 289
insert( ), 381, 722
Insets class, 727–728, 875
Instance of a class, 17, 105
See alsoObject(s)
Instance variables
accessing, 107, 113–114, 116
definition of, 17, 106
hiding, 121
static, 141–143
as unique to their object, 107, 108–109
using super to access hidden, 166–167
instanceof operator, 300–302, 463
and generic classes, 345–348
InstantiationException, 218
Instrumentation interface, 435
int, 25, 33, 34, 35
and integer literals, 40
Integer class, 265, 390, 396–398
constructors, 266
methods, table of, 393–394
Index 1009