Java The Complete Reference, Seventh Edition

(Greg DeLong) #1
Integer(s), 33, 34–36, 62–63
literals, 39–40
interface keyword, 183, 192
and annotations, 272
Interface(s), 183, 192–202
general form of, 193
implementing, 194–196
inheritance of, 202–203
member, 196
nested, 196–197
reference variables, 195–196, 200
variables, 193, 200–202
Internet, 3, 6, 7, 8, 15, 599
addresses, obtaining, 603
addressing scheme, 600
and portability, 7, 8, 9
and security, 8–9
Internet Protocol (IP)
addresses, 600
definition of, 599
InterNIC, 604, 605
InterruptedException, 218, 228, 768
Introspection, 848–850, 853
Introspector class, 851–852, 853
intValue( ), 265, 386, 387, 388, 391, 392, 393, 395
Investment, future value of an
applet for finding, 940–943
formula to compute, 940
Investment required to achieve a future value
applet for finding, 943–947
formula to compute, 944
invokeAndWait( ), 868, 873
invokeLater( ), 868, 873
I/O, 24, 285–296, 555–598
channel-based, 3, 815
classes, list of, 555–556
console, 24, 88, 285, 288–293
error handling, 296, 565
file, 293–296, 556–561
formatted.SeeI/O, formatted
interfaces, list of, 556
I/O, formatted, 525–549
format conversion specifiers.SeeFormat
conversion specifiers
using Formatter, 525–539.See also
Formatter class
using printf( ), 151, 539
using Scanner, 540–549.See also
Scanner class

io package
IOError, 587
IOException, 289, 294, 295, 562, 564, 565, 566,
572, 579, 581, 585, 593, 595, 612, 818
IPv4 (Internet Protocol, version 4), 600, 601
IPv6 (Internet Protocol, version 6), 600, 601
isAbsolute( ), 558
isAlive( ), 226, 234–236, 424
isAltDown( ), 644
isAltGraphDown( ), 644
isAnnotationPresent( ), 278, 280, 430
isBound( ), 604, 614, 854
isClosed( ), 604
isConnected( ), 604, 614
isConstrained( ), 854
isControlDown( ), 644
isDigit( ), 399, 401
isDirectory( ), 559
isEditable( ), 720, 722
isEmpty( ), 376, 441, 442, 465, 489, 493, 494,
495, 505
isEnabled( ), 737
isFile( ), 558
isHidden( ), 559
isInfinite( ), 387, 389, 390
isLeapYear( ), 512–513
isLetter( ), 399, 401
isMetaDown( ), 644
isMulticastAddress( ), 602
isNaN( ), 388, 389, 390
isPopupTrigger( ), 646–647
isPublic( ), 816, 835
isSelected( ), 886, 888, 890
isSet, 509
isShiftDown( ), 644
isTemporary( ), 643
isTimeSet, 509
ItemEvent class, 640, 644–645, 707, 711, 714,
738, 886, 888
ItemListener interface, 650, 651, 707, 711, 738,
886, 888
ItemSelectable interface, 645
itemStateChanged( ), 651, 707, 711, 869,
886, 888
Iterable interface, 434, 441, 461, 464, 488
Iteration statements, 77, 84–98
Iterator, 438, 440, 458–462
and maps, 464
Iterator interface, 438, 440, 458–459, 460, 486
methods, table of, 459
iterator( ), 434, 441, 442, 459, 460

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