Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Index 463

sexual abuse 186
shaded cultivation 422
shallow flooding methods 100–1, 105
shame 183, 185–6
Shan, M.K. 169–89
Shanks, Edwin 151
Sheehy, J.E. 106–7
shelter 181
Sherman, Richard and Robert 348
shocks 393
Sida 151
Sikh diet 226
single-seedling transplantation 98–9, 105, 106–7
sinks, carbon 217–18
size of farms 405–8
skins, whole diets 229
small farms 39–41, 44, 89, 424
small urban plots 419–22
smoking 291, 315
see also tobacco
social capital 59, 68–70, 369
see also social networks
social change
20th century 204
Britain 38–9
convenience foods 330
India 47–9
Indonesia 43–4
Japan and USA 40–1
Yaqui Indians 41–3
social connections 83
social constructionism 366
social costs
of improvement 15–58
rural communities 37–9
social ecologies 436–46
social networks 69, 118–19
see also social capital
social outputs 400
social relations
ill-being 182–3
nature 438–9
well-being 174–5
socialism 344
socioeconomic factors 4, 248–53, 283, 306
socio-geographic foodshed analysis 363, 370–1
sociologies 431–50
soda see beverage industry
Soetrisno, Loekman 43–4
soil conservation 26–31, 62–4, 428
soil erosion 26–31, 428
soil fertility 231, 237–8, 239, 428
soil organic matter 218
see also organic matter
soil structure 100–2, 107
SOLAGRO 402, 404
Somalia 31
Somaliland 174, 179
SOQ see Official Sign of Quality
SOQT see Official Sign of Quality of Transformed
South Africa 258, 264

South America see Latin America
South Korea 191, 195
Southern Africa 147, 258, 264
see also individual countries
Soviet Union 11, 187
see also individual countries; Russia
spacing in rice management 98–9, 106–7
spatial factors 4
foodsheds 358–9
nutrition transition 243–8
rural development 431–50
specialization effects 16, 406–8
spina bifida 273
sports leagues 353
SPSS see Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
Sri Lanka 60–9, 186
SRI see System of Rice Intensification
staff transfer effects 155–6, 162
stakeholder concept 444
standards for portion sizes 335–6
staple foods 253–7
see also individual types
starvation 181
see also famines; hunger
state bureaucracy 75
state-level foodshed analysis 371
state ownership of commons 116, 120
statins 295
statistical analyses 403, 405–8
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
Stern, Paul C. 6, 116–34
Stevenson, G.W. 363–74
stewardship schemes 399, 412
stigma 185–6
Stoop, W.A. 108
stunting 257, 262, 265
sub-Saharan Africa 1
subsidies 137–68, 329, 388
substance, transformations of 76–7
substitutability 157–8
suburban farms 422
succession principle 367–9
suicide rates 39, 41
supply of food 194, 203–4, 209–10, 437–41
see also production of food
Surgeon General’s Report 316
survey methods 60, 242, 381
analytical approaches 10–11
extent of 212–15
indicators 429
terminology 210
Sutton, David 84
sweet foods 328
Swinburn, Boyd 289
swine farming 425–6
symbolic meaning of food 80
synergy 347, 352–4
System of Rice Intensification (SRI) 5–6, 66,
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