432 Policies, Processes and Institutions
conservation 281–9
ethics 16–18, 20–5, 27–8
systems thinking 42
see also biotic community; rural areas
community landcare groups 261, 263, 266–7,
community organizations, India 333
competency-oriented learning 296–8
complex, diverse and risk-prone (CDR) farming
100, 103–4, 106
complex systems 39–40, 45, 47
compliance policies 342, 344–6, 350–1
compost see fertilizers
extension 217–24
sustainability 52–3, 55–6, 57–8, 65–6
conceptual research 234
conflict management 226, 229–30
conflicts 204, 238, 253
congruence 162, 163–4
conqueror role 16
consequentialism 63
communities 281–9
compliance policies 342, 350–1
economics 20–1
education 18–19, 281–9
land health 25
People’s Biodiversity Registers 196, 204, 206,
soil and water 322–3, 325, 327–9, 331–2, 334
conservation farming 9, 261–80
Conservation Security Program (CSP) 351–2
conservation tillage 363
conservatism 284
constraints assessments 385
constructionism 10, 313–17
consultative participation 118, 119
context assessments 385
context-specific systems 120
contextualism 45, 47
continuous cultivation 267–9
contour farming 261, 263, 269–71, 276–7, 329
control of future societies 418
controls in irrigation studies 75–8, 82–3
conventional worlds scenario 416
convergence of projects 140–1, 160–2
Conway, G.R. 307
cooperative mechanisms 15–16
coordination of projects 158–60
co-production 142–3, 160–2
Corn Belt farmers 350
corporate farming 281–5, 288, 317
corruption 326
COSECHA study 112
Costanza, - 416
environmental compliance 344–6
farmer-first approach 104
insecticides 251–3
macroprojects 156–7
managing local externalities 332–3
People’s Biodiversity Registers 206
production sustainability 60–1
rice-based systems 186–7
soil erosion 322
spread of sustainable agriculture 1
transport 4
cotton farming 372–3
countryside concept 167
Countryside Stewardship Scheme 338
Cramb, Rob A. 9, 261–80
credit schemes 332, 367, 372, 373–4, 386
‘crisis’ narrative 390
critical knowing systems 42, 44–5
critical reflection 291
alley cropping 111
canal irrigation systems 69–89
high yielding varieties 74–6, 78
insurance schemes 341, 344
Landcare Programme 269, 270–1
natural farming principles 29–33
rotation of 343, 350, 359
see also dyke crop systems; individual crops
cross-compliance requirements 344–6
CSP see Conservation Security Program
Cuba 1
Culasero, Z. 9, 261–80
cultivation alternatives 29, 30, 31–2
culture see popular culture
dairy farming 162–6
Daley, J.M. 42
DAR see Department of Agrarian Reform
DAS see days after sowing
collection methods 239–40
Landcare Programme 266–7
policy options 381–2
Datye, D.R. 82
Dave, K.M. 80
days after sowing (DAS), insecticide use 240, 243,
decentralization 98–9, 370, 378–80
decision-making 36, 219, 237
decision-oriented research 233–4
Defined Methodology approach 120
degraded land conservation 261
De Groot, Wouter 308
Delli Priscoli, Jerome 113
democracy 156, 157–8, 313, 323, 419–20, 425
demonstration effect 322
Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR),
Philippines 267–8, 276
Department for International Development
(DFID) 185
Department of Research and Specialist Services
(DRSS) 377
descriptive definitions 220–1, 222–4
Desilles, Sylvie 7, 184–93
determinants of research 85–6
determinism 174