434 Policies, Processes and Institutions
evolving conceptions
extension 217–24
land ethics 27–8
exchange of knowledge 226, 228
experiential learning 46–7, 291–3, 296
experimentation 96–7, 190
see also innovation
expert systems 120, 138, 141–3, 166, 171–2
export-led policies 3
extension 8, 217–35
Bangladesh rice programme 191–2
constructionist thinking 315–16
definitions 218–24
evolving conceptions 217–24
farmer-to-farmer 333
institutional change 99, 101
Landcare Programme 263, 270, 275
research 233–4
science 232–3
soil-fertility management 362, 368, 375–8, 385
training 227, 233
external costs 322, 332–3, 344–6
see also costs
external inputs impact 109
external validity 123
horizontal knowledge exchange 228
Landcare Programme 269, 270, 276–7
learning and action systems 120
sustainable agriculture 303–20
faith 138–9
see also belief index
fall-back position 166
family farming 144, 332
see also small-scale farming
fantasy 423–4
FAO see Food and Agriculture Organization
Farmer Field Schools (FFS) 7, 184–93, 237,
250–2, 254
farmer-first approach 6, 93–7, 98–106
farmer practice see farming systems
farmers’ organizations 103–4
farmer-to-farmer spread 228, 248–50, 333
farming systems
agroecological diversity 358–9
dynamic nature 356
Landcare Programme 261–80
Farming Systems Research Unit (FSRU) 377
farm management communication 225–6
farm population, USA 281
Farm Security and Rural Investment Act 2002 350
fashions in research 85
feminism 65–6
fertilizers 29, 30–1, 372
see also soil fertility
FEZ see Friese Ecologische Zuivelfabriek
FFS see Farmer Field Schools
fiction writing 423–4
field investigators 196, 198–200
financial capital 161, 276, 383
see also economics
financial subsidies 325–6, 332
see also subsidies
fingerling sales 187, 190
fish/fisheries 187–90, 201–2, 208–9
Flora, C.B. 42
flow management, nutrients 361–3
folk knowledge 7–8, 194
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 184
food chains 22–3
food systems 1–4, 287–8
food values 26
forecasting 396, 417–18
Forest Protection Committee, India 207
alley cropping 111
land ethics 20, 25
local economies 288
natural farming 31, 32
policy failures 324
fortress world scenario 415
Francis, Charles 290–9
Friese Ecologische Zuivelfabriek (FEZ) 162–6
fruit trees 271–2
FSRU see Farming Systems Research Unit
fuelwood 207–8
Fukuoka, Masanobu 4, 29–33
Fuller, Buckminster 400
Fuller, S. 36
functional integrity 5, 56–7, 59, 60–4, 66
functional participation 118
functions of communication 225
funding matters 85, 86
see also economics; financial capital; subsidies
fungus 32
Funtowicz, S.O. 313
‘future histories’ models 415–16
future-orientation 136–8
congruence 162
expert systems 141–2, 171
networks 149, 151–2, 154, 156–7
social visioning 393–429
see also past/present/future
futurism 396–9, 400–3, 417–18
Gadgil, Madhav 7–8, 194–213, 324
Galjart, B.F. 141
Gandhi, Mahatma 395
gaps and linkage research 73–4, 85–7, 160
Gemeinschaft 136
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 285
General Systems Theory (GST) 38, 39, 42
genetic materials 96
Georgescu-Roegen, - 414
Gesellschaft 136
Giddens, A. 148, 152, 315, 397
giveaways 326, 329, 334
global change 394–5
global economy 283–5, 288
global-level soil-fertility strategies 389–90
global modelling 397, 400–19
goals in agriculture 165, 311–13, 316, 398, 406
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 46