Index 433
devaluation 364–73
developing countries 1, 2
see also individual countries; resource-poor
development agencies 6–7, 116–19
development aspirations 203–4
development opportunities 162–6
convergence 140–1, 160–2
coordination 158–60
extension 223
interaction 150–1
unfolding 136–7, 140, 146–9, 155
watershed subsidies 321–36
Devli, Vaidyonki 8, 201
Dewey, John 290, 291, 292–3
De Zeeuw, H. 306
DFID see Department for International
Dhani village 202, 207
Dhanori Changa Piyat Sahakari Mandli 81
diagnostic analyses 72–3
diagramming methods 120–1, 122
dialogue methods 120–2
Dietz, T. 36
differentiated policy approach 3–4
diffusion of technologies 219
discontinuance of innovations 255
diseases 29–30
see also pest control/management
disincentives, subsidies 326
disorganization in land 24
dissemination of innovations 224
distantiation 147, 148, 160–2, 172
see also spatial factors
distortions to incentives 331–2
divergent modes of learning 295
diversification of agriculture 11–12, 184–93, 265,
356, 358–9
diversity see biodiversity
Dobbs, Thomas L. 11, 337–55
Doli village 202, 206
Douglass, Gordon 57
dramatizations 239, 241–2, 249, 256–8
DRSS see Department of Research and Specialist
dryland areas 324, 327–9, 358
ducks 31
duration of sustainability 60–1
Dworkin, Ronald 63
Dwyer, J. 346
dyke crop systems 187–8, 189–90
dynamic farming systems 356
eco-counties 2
ecological ethics 15–16, 18–19, 25–7
ecological knowledge 194–213
ecological sustainability 393–5
conserving communities 281–9
future societies 393–6, 402, 409, 412, 420
industrialized agriculture 64
Landcare Programme 275
land ethics 15, 20–1, 27
rice-based systems 188–9
social science impact 315
soil-fertility policies 364–73, 387
subsidies 323–5
sustainability 110
see also financial ...
Economic Structural Adjustment Programme
(ESAP) 371
ecosystems 38–9, 43, 196, 198–200
education 8–10, 217–99
agroecology 290–9
CARE-Bangladesh 184–93
conservation 18–19, 281–9
extension 217–35
land ethics 4, 18–19, 27
subsidized services 326
see also learning
efficiency in nutrient use 363
electricity subsidies 324, 325
Ellis, F. 265
emancipatory risk analysis 418, 419, 425
empiricism 54–5, 62, 167–72
employment 268, 322, 329
see also labour
empowerment 116–17, 184–93
enabling policies/institutions 10–12, 303–425
energy flows/circuits 23–4
energy use 113
Enlightenment thinking 218–19
environmental benefits, rice-based systems 189
environmental compliance 344–6
environmental costs of transport 4
environmental ethics see ethics
environmental knowledge 34–51
Environmentally Sensitive Areas scheme 338, 348
environmental problems definition 308
envisioning see visions/visualizations
epistemologies 41–8, 311–13, 315
equilibria in ecosystems 38–9
equity 407, 412
erosion see soil erosion
Ervin, D.E. 347–8
ESAP see Economic Structural Adjustment
Escalada, M.M. 236–60
essentialism 397
ethics 4–6, 15–89
Ethiopia 358–9, 361–3, 366–72, 373–6, 378–9,
384, 386
European Union (EU)
agrienvironmental policy 349–50, 352
agrienvironmental schemes 11
biota 24
Common Agricultural Policy 337–8, 343–6,
extension 217–18
multifunctionality concept 339–42, 347
see also individual countries
evaluation by farmers 97
see also monitoring surveys
evolution in nature 142, 164