Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Index 439

pest control/management 32–3, 236–60
see also diseases; integrated pest management;
weed control
Pestel, - 402, 405–12
pesticides 236
Pfeffer, J. 293
Philippines 9, 236, 253, 261–80
philosophy 5, 15, 52–67, 403–4, 412
physical capital 383
physics 422
pilot projects 79–84, 87
pine trees 31, 32
planning activities 238–9, 395
plant successions 17–18
ploughing practices 29, 30
pluralist strategies 102–4
Polak, - 396, 398
Polestar global model 401, 416
agri-environmental schemes 337–55
enabling 10–12, 303–429
future directions 356–92
generating through extension 226, 228–9
persuasive transfer 226, 230–1
social visions 393–429
subsidies 323–36
wider context 1–4
conserving communities 284–7
environmental compliance 345
facilitating sustainable agriculture 310
global models 407, 413
non-substantive sustainability 58
organization development 230
propaganda 220
subsidies 323
sustainability emphasis 394
polluter-pays principle 346, 351
pollution impacts 201
popular culture 417, 421, 423–4
densities 25
global models 406, 412
US farms 281
positive externalities 344–6
see also benefit...
positivism 37, 42, 112–16, 123–6, 311–13, 315
see also rationalism
postmodernism 137–8, 141–3, 154, 156–8,
Potter, C. 344
poundage food-value 26
poverty reduction 264–5, 321, 334
practical approaches
farmer-first approach 104–6
learning foundations 294, 296
People’s Biodiversity Registers 202
see also individual approaches
PRAs see Participatory Rural Appraisals
predators 20
preferential treatment 83, 84
present see past/present/future

pre-test-post-test research design 239–40, 243–51,
Pretty, Jules N. 1–12, 109–34, 266, 306, 337–55
insecticides 253
soil-fertility management 366, 371, 372
World War I 338
prioritizing environmental issues 35–6
private landowners 20–1
private traders 371
probabilistic uncertainty 414–15
problem-based learning 293
problem-in-context framework 308
problem-solving approaches 115, 219, 223–5,
production of food
living resource impacts 200
local economies 288
mobilization of resources 173
multifunctionality concept 339–44
resource sufficiency approach 59, 60–2
rice-based systems 186–8
productivity of agricultural systems 184–5, 309
professionalism 125–8
profile studies 241
Project 2050 422
project-based approaches
convergence 140–1, 160–2
coordination 158–60
farmer-first approach 103–4
FEZ example 162–6
interactions 150–1
see also development opportunities; individual
promotion methods 261–80, 331–3
see also marketing
propaganda 220
prophecies, institutionalized 417–18
protected areas 196
provider-gets principle 346, 351
psychological disincentives to subsidies 326
public relations 220
Punjab irrigation systems 83
pyramidal systems 21–5
qualitative/quantitative methods 239
quantum physics 314
questionnaires see survey methods
Radcliff-Brown, - 152
radio broadcasts 239, 241–2, 249, 256–8
rain-fed agriculture see watershed development
Rajasthan, India 82–4, 198, 201–2, 206
Rajasthan Canal 82–3, 84
random selection methods 240, 242
Rao, P.S. 84
RASE see Royal Agricultural Society of England
rationalism 36, 313
see also positivism
Ravetz, J.R. 313
realist-positivism 311–13, 315
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