Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Index 441

Sloping Agricultural Land Technology (SALT)
261, 263, 268
small-scale farming 282
see also family farming
Smuts, J.C. 38
social actor network theory 314–15
see also actor-networks
social capital 265–6, 275–9, 383
social change 394, 396
social cohesion 138–43
social justice 53, 57–8, 66
social learning 35, 45, 310–11
social networks 152
social objectives, multifunctionality 340–1
social organization 229, 403–4, 412
social practices 136–7, 151–2
social reproduction 61–2
social sciences
Communication and Innovation Studies 232–3
facilitating sustainability 305–6, 315
time/structure 143–60
visioning sustainable futures 394–5, 399, 420–1
social sustainability 12, 393–429
social systems 64, 394–5
social visions 393–429
society–nature relations 15–16, 39–40, 43
socio-economic factors 357, 359, 387
see also economics
soft systems methodology (SSM) 41, 44, 308,
soil and water conservation (SWC) projects 322–3,
325, 327–9, 331–2, 334
soil conservation
Landcare Programme 263, 272, 276, 278
land ethics 18–19
SWC projects 322–3, 325, 327–9, 331–2, 334
see also soil fertility management
soil erosion 23, 113, 269, 271–2, 322, 363
Soil-Fertility Initiative (SFI) 381–2
soil fertility management 11–12, 23–4, 26, 29–31,
271–2, 356–92
see also soil conservation
South America 24
see also Latin America
Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Graduate
Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)
264, 267, 269, 272, 278
Southwest America 17–18
see also United States of America
spatial factors 144, 410, 413
see also distantiation
spatial linkages 410, 413
SPEECH programme 334
spray frequencies, insecticides 243–6, 248–50,
Sri Lanka 113
Sriramappa, G. 321–36
Srishtigyan methodology 196, 197
Sriskandarajah, N. 115
SSM see soft systems methodology
state intervention see government intervention
stewardship 11, 337–55

Stocking, Michael 113–14
stock management, nutrients 361–3
storytelling 7, 171, 172–4, 422–4
strategic rationality 313
communication 224–31
FEZ example 165–6
soil-fertility management 380–5
see also intervention strategies
straw mulch 29–30, 31–2
strong sustainability 62–4
structural adjustments 364–73, 382
empiricism 169
land pyramid 23
ordering process 146–58
soil-fertility policies 364–73, 382
time factors 143–60
student-focused education 295
study sites
People’s Biodiversity Registers 196, 197
rice pest management 238
subchaks 74, 78–9
the subjunctive 153
subsidies 10–11, 321–36, 344
see also payments
substantive sustainability 58
sub-system level factors 38, 44–5, 61, 64
succession of plants 17–18
success measures, rice programme 192
Sukhomajri watershed project 333
support services
agri-environmental schemes 350
community organizations 333
horizontal knowledge exchange 226, 228
multifunctionality concept 340–4
organization development/capacity building
226, 230
Surat, Gujarat 79–82
surprises 414–15, 416
survey methods 239–40, 242, 254–5, 266–7,
definitions 5, 10, 52–67, 110–12, 115, 307–8
encountering 53–7
future societies 393–429
importance 59–62
non-substantive 56, 57–9
recent impacts 109–10
scientific applications 112–14
social 12
sustainable agriculture see agricultural sustainability
sustainable livelihoods framework 264–6, 383–4
SWC see soil and water conservation projects
Swedish Agricultural University 292
Switzerland 1
symbioses 15
systemics 37, 38, 40, 120
systems thinking 4–6, 15–89
agricultural sustainability 52–67
facilitating sustainability 307–8, 315–17
social visions 395, 414
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