Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

442 Policies, Processes and Institutions

Tansley, A.G. 38, 43
T’boli people 267
teaching 126, 292, 293, 296
see also learning
extension 219, 226, 228–9, 230–1
farmer-first approach 6
future directions 356–92
Landcare Programme 261–80
positivism 113
resource-conserving 109–12
rice pest management 255
subsidized 326–8, 331–2
see also transfer of technology
tenure, land 369, 378–80
theory-based education 296
Thompson, Paul B. 5, 52–67
three-dimensional thinking 41, 44, 45–6, 47
time factors
canal irrigation systems 75, 77–8
global modelling 404, 405, 412, 414–15
soil-fertility management 382
structure 143–60
Timmerman, - 399, 422
Toffler, A. 36
tonnage food-value 26
TOT see transfer of technology
Toulmin, Camilla 11–12, 356–92
tourism 84
trade-distorting policies 347–9
traditional societies 136, 138, 168–9
extension 227, 233
Farmer Field Schools 250–1, 254
Landcare Programme 270, 271, 275, 276–7
survey methods 240
see also learning
transaction costs 157
transferable skills 298
transfer of technology (TOT) 93–4, 99, 102–3,
312, 316
Bangladesh rice programme 191
extension 226, 230–1
transformational learning 45–7
transformations 290–1
see also change
‘transformed world’ scenario 415–16
transitions 1–3
see also change
transport 4, 98–9, 374–5
transportation in land pyramid 23
travel allowances 98–9
trees 20, 31–2, 188–90, 207–8, 271–2, 324
see also forestry
trials in irrigation studies 75–8, 82–3
triangulation of sources 124–5
Tripathi, B.L. 71, 73
Tromso[strike through] University, Norway
erosion of 313
macroprojects 155

participatory methods 122–5
social cohesion 141–2
tubewell water 73
Turing, Alan 111
Turner, - 415
Tversky, A. 237
UK see United Kingdom
UN see United Nations
uncertainties 115, 126, 164, 309, 313, 414–15
‘undecidability’ theorem 111
unfolding of development opportunities 136–7,
140, 146–9, 155
United Kingdom (UK) 11, 185, 337–42, 343–9,
United Nations (UN) 389–90, 402
see also Food and Agriculture Organization
United States of America (USA)
agri-environmental schemes 337, 340–4,
agroecology education 291–9
conserving communities 281–9
energy needs 113
extension 217–18
land ethics 17–21, 24
see also North America
universities 102–3, 217, 290–9
urban communities 285
USA see United States of America
USCEQ global model 402, 405–11
use efficiency, nutrients 363
user groups, People’s Biodiversity Registers 202–3
utilitarianism 59–61, 63
Utopianism 418
validity of participatory methods 123
food 26
land 27
science 113–14
sustainability 54–5, 58–9, 61, 63–4
trustworthiness 125
Van den Berg, H. 153
van der Ploeg, Jan Douwe 7, 136–83
Van Kessel, J. 153
Van Woerkum, C.M.J. 221–2
variance in yields
canal irrigation systems 75, 78
rice-based systems 186
variation concept 140, 173–4
vegetable-rice systems 187–8, 189–90
Vickers, G. 42
Vietnam 9, 236–60
village-level diversity 358, 359–60
villagization policy 378–9
violence in land pyramid 24–5
virtual farmers 154–5, 170–1
virtual networks 151–2, 155–6
visions/visualizations 12, 120–2, 294–5, 393–
von Bertalanffy, L. 38, 39
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