Index 443
WADU programme 372, 376, 378
Wagemakers, M. Annemarie E. 10, 303–20
WAPCOS see Water and Power Consultancy
warabandi 84
Ward, H. 266
Water and Power Consultancy Services
(WAPCOS) 74–5, 78, 85
water cooperatives 71, 79–82, 83
water management
adequacy of supply 309–10
energy circulation 23
environmental compliance 345
‘islands of salvation’ 83–4
Mahi-Kadana Project 69–74
Naurangdeshar Canal System 82–3
participatory learning 119
SWC projects 322–3, 325, 327–9, 331–2, 334
see also irrigation systems; watershed
development projects
Water Management Synthesis Project (WMSP) 70,
72–3, 85–7
watershed development projects 2, 10–11, 321–
water supply see water management
Water Technology Centre (WTC), Delhi 70, 71–3,
80, 85–6
weak sustainability 63, 64
Weaver, Professor 25
weed control 29–30, 31–2
weevil blight 32
welfare subsidies 322–3
well-being 59–61, 63
Western Europe 24
see also European Union
Western Ghats Biodiversity Network Programme
wildlife 25–6
see also nature
Wisconsin state 18–20
wisdom 194
see also knowledge
W.K.Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) 306
WKKF see W.K.Kellogg Foundation
WMSP see Water Management Synthesis Project
women in agriculture 3, 190, 191, 192
Woodger, J.H. 38
Woodhill, Jim 122
Woolcock, M. 265–6, 277
workshops, pest management 238–9
World Bank 381–2
World Council of Indigenous Peoples 415
World Trade Organization (WTO) 347–9
World War I price controls 338
Worldwatch Institute 414
WTC see Water Technology Centre
WTO see World Trade Organization
yield effects
canal irrigation systems 75, 78–9, 83
leaf-feeding insects 236
resource sufficiency approach 63, 64
rice-based systems 184, 186
Zimbabwe 358–63, 366–72, 374–5, 377, 380,