Index 521
‘chain’ farms 312
change 8–11
see also agricultural revolutions; transformations;
cheap-food monologue 510
chemical approach 412–13, 414–15
children 87, 88–90, 127–8
see also young people
Chile 300
agro-ecological farming systems 7–8, 12–13,
208–21, 423–74
biotechnology 483
eco-counties 441–53
eco-villages 431–40
‘forty centuries’ farmers 222–9
genetic resource conservation programmes 166
Green Revolution 294, 297, 301–2, 305
homestead gardens 423–31
hydraulic agriculture 169–70, 172, 176–81, 184
shelterbelt systems 453–73
choice 141, 148–9
Chomsky, Noam 88–90
chronology of open-field farming 234–5
cities 180–1, 182–5, 308–9
see also urban environments
‘civilization’ 43
classic hunter-gatherer studies 58
climate change 358
climate effects 197, 203–5, 351, 460–1
clover 227
coarse food transformation 223
coastal windbreak systems 471
Cobbett, William 262–3, 284
coercion 376, 396
coevolution 142–4
see also evolution
Coke, Thomas 260, 267–9, 275, 278, 282–3
collectivization 10, 313–38
Colombia 300
colonialism 48–9, 66, 76–9, 95, 140
Columbus, Christopher 78
commercial confidentiality 490
common property regimes (CPRs) 45–6
communal agriculture 8–9
etymology 406
extensification 259–60, 283–4
open-field farming 234–5, 237, 244, 246–54
Communist Party 320–1
see also Bolsheviks
community language preservation 148
community-supported agriculture (CSA) projects
comparative studies
hunter-gatherers 30–1
hydraulic agriculture 185–7
‘complete’ conservation technology packages
complex agroforests 343, 354–6
complex vs. simple hunter-gatherers 48, 52
composting 216
see also manure; wastes
concentration/dispersion of band societies 45, 48
Conference of the Parties (COP), CBD 136
Conferences on Hunting and Gathering Societies
(CHAGS) 56–7
confidentiality in biotechnology 490
connectedness 2–3, 110–11, 509–10, 512–13
conquistadores 76–9
consciousness 85
conservation programmes
forestry 468–9
genetic resources 161–6
government intervention 1
soil 12, 375–402
water 375–402, 415–16
Conservation Reserve Program 504
Conservation Security Program (CSP) 505
conservation tillage 411
construction activities
eco-counties 442–6, 447–53
eco-villages 434–7, 438–40
hydraulic agriculture 168–73, 174–87
nature reserves 469–70
shelterbelt systems 453–73
consultation 395–6, 498–9
Consultative Group on International Agricultural
Research (CGIAR) 162, 163
continuous food crop systems 354, 357
contour farming 382, 384, 385–6
‘contract’ farming 312
control see coercion; political control
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 136
Conway, Gordon R. 9–10, 233, 290–307
cooperation 168, 170–2, 471
see also participation
COP see Conference of the Parties
crop rotation 238
leaf blight 164–5
coronary heart disease 117, 120
corvée labour 187
cosmology 46
biosafety participation 490
Bushman food 29
see also prices
cottage industries 426–7, 431, 445
cotton 483, 488
country food 111–19, 125–6
country life 121–8
see also rural society
county-scale integrated farming systems 441–53
courts 244, 247–8, 252
see also legal processes
courtyard farming 425–6, 436
CPRs see common property regimes
credit schemes 302–3
Cree people 111–12, 115–16, 121, 125, 128
ancient Chinese systems 212–13, 216
biotechnology 475–500
conservation programmes 161–6
evolution 159–60