528 Sustainable Agriculture and Food
national policies 497
see also policies
nationwide technology adoption 270
Native Americans 377, 378–9
see also individual groups
animal systems 83–4
language as resource for 136–55
modernization interactions 1–3
see also conservation programmes
nature reserves 469–70
Navajo people 378–9
navigation canals 175–7, 182–3
NBFs see national biosafety frameworks
NEP see New Economic Policy
Netsilik Eskimos 30
New Economic Policy (NEP), Russia 321
New Guinea 141–2
New Institutional Economics approach 253–4
New Stone Age 209, 210
Newfoundland, Canada 126
newspapers 264–6
NGOs see non-government organizations
Niger 384, 389
‘nine squares’ land tenancy system 210
nitrogen-fixing techniques 236, 240–1, 478–
nitrous oxide 358
no-till systems 411
nomadic life see hunter-gatherers; hunting
non-agrarian hydraulic works 174–85
non-chemical approaches
crop/animal protection 412–13
soil fertilization 413–15
non-government organizations (NGOs) 345, 346,
Nong Zheng Quan Shu (Chinese text) 215–
Norfolk Four Course rotation 275
North America
colonialism 77
hunter-gatherers 23, 31–2, 35, 37–8, 42, 44, 55,
61, 96
see also Canada; United States
North Eurasia 61–2
North-Western region, China 452
Nunavut territory, Canada 99
nutrient balance in households 427, 429
nutrition transition 110–19
nutritional content of food 112–15
obesity epidemic 116–18, 511
observational studies 50–1
obsolescence of agriculture argument 507–9
Occidental absolutism 186
Office of Special Studies 292
Ojibwa people 119
Old World hunter-gatherers 31, 36–7
older Bushmen 24
olives 199, 200–1
ongoing biotechnology consultation 499
open days 267–8
open-field farming 8–9, 233–57
breakdown of system 248–52
domestic forces 241–8
experience of 238–41
intensification 259
simplified sustainability model 235–8
technology adoption 269–70
transformations 244–8
optimal foraging 55
oral traditions 145
organic fertilizers 413, 415
organic food 511
‘organized society’ land claim test 80–1
Oriental despotism 168–96
Outpost programme (Innu) 126–7, 129
output values, eco-villages 435
overseers (Roman) 198, 199–200
conservation technology 381–2
rice farming 297–8
paddy fields 214, 448
see also rice
Pakistan 299–302, 305, 390
palace construction 180–1, 182–5
parliamentary enclosures 236
see also Inclosure Acts
biotechnology 488–95, 498–9
Practical Farmers of Iowa 507
soil and water conservation 384–5, 387–96
typology 394–6
passive participation 394–6
pastoral farming
Africa 94
England 241, 243–7, 249–52
field-centred agriculture 406
meta–land-use systems 354, 357
tropical forests 341
see also animal systems/farming; livestock
pathogens in land races 160
Paulownia intercropping system 218
peasantry, Russia 317–29
pease fields 239–41
Pell, Alice 403–22
Penashue, Elisabeth 75–6
Penashue, Kanikuen 109
Penashue, Mary Adele 112
perennials 405, 408
Persia 178
Peru 176, 178, 185–6, 349, 351
pest control 216–17, 282–3, 303, 412–13
Peterson, Nicolas 59–60, 63
PFI see Practical Farmers of Iowa
PFTs see plant functional types
phenomenological rupture 503–4
Philip, King of Spain 77
Philippines 294, 296–8, 302–3, 305, 350–7,
philosophy, Chinese 208–17
photoperiod-insensitive crops 297