Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

530 Sustainable Agriculture and Food

research techniques
ASB consortium 348, 351–64
biotechnology 476–82, 497
eco-counties 445–6
forestry 470
reservoirs 174–5, 182–3
resource-conserving technologies 387, 392,
see also conservation programmes
resource management 234, 253–4
resource-poor regions 258–9, 284
see also developing countries
responsibility systems, China 219
reviews, ASB consortium 364
revisionist view 49, 59
revolutions see agricultural revolutions; cultural
revolutions; Green Revolution
eco-agriculture models 448–9
Far East 225–6, 227–8
genetic resources 163, 166
Green Revolution 292, 294, 296–8, 300–4
intensification system 416
ridges, conservation programmes 385–6
Riggin, Guy 314
Rio Earth Summit 346
rituals 90–1, 147
rivers 174–6
roads 178–80, 182–3
Robigus (Roman god) 202
Rockefeller Foundation 292, 296
Roman agriculture 175, 178–9, 197–207
root crops 274–5
rotation of crops 227–8, 235–6, 238–41, 243,
see also food crop–fallow systems
Rothamsted Experimental Station 272
Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE) 267,
rubber 355–6
rural society
development 1–2, 468
Russia 315–21, 322–9
transformations 375
United States 507–9
see also country life
Russia 308–9, 313, 315–38
see also Soviet Union
rye crops 238–9

SADC see Southern African Development
safety systems, biotechnology 477, 483–97
Sahlins, Marshall 42, 44, 54, 64
Saint Petersburg 308–9
Sampson, H.C. 379
Samson, Colin 4–5, 107–35
San peoples 49–50, 98–9
San Yi principle 211–12
Sanchez, Pedro A. 11, 339–71
saturated fats 112–13, 116–17
‘savage’ hunter-gatherer image 42–3, 51, 78–9

schooling 108, 127–8, 148
see also education
science applications
ASB impacts 362–3
biosafety participation 490, 493
diversity support 150–3
eco-counties 445–6
experimentation 272
forestry 470
Green Revolution 290–307
integrated farming system 218
Roman agriculture 203–4
scientific management methods 311–13
Scott, James C. 10, 308–38
SCS see Soil Conservation Service
seasonal cycle
field-centred agriculture 407–8
hydraulic agriculture 173–4
Innu people 127–8
Kung Bushmen 19–20
Roman agriculture 204–5
security of Bushman life 28–9
sedentarization 107–10, 117, 128–9
see also physical activity transition
seed drills 277–8
seed storage 164, 165–6, 277
selective breeding 278–9, 478–82
see also breed...
selectivity of Bushman diet 21–3
self, sense of 505–6
self-mobilization 394–5
self-sufficient farming 248–9
Sen, A. 238
Sepulveda, Juan Gines de 76–7
serfdom 322–9
sericulture 213
settled societies 119–20, 210, 245
Seychelles 480, 485, 491
Shah, P. 11, 375–402
Shamanism 47, 83–4
Shandu eco-village 433–8
Shang Dynasty, China 210
sharing ethos of hunter-gatherers 46, 60
sheep 200, 279–81
see also pastoral farming
shelterbelt systems 453–73
Sheshatshiu, Labrador 107, 109
shifting cultivation 340–1, 342, 344, 345–6
shrubs 455–8
Siberia 44
silk 213, 216, 228
silt traps 390
simple agroforests 354, 356
simple vs. complex hunter-gatherers 48, 52
simplified model of sustainability 235–8
site characterization, ASB 347, 352–7
slash-and-burn cultivation 11, 209–10, 339–71
slavery 76–7, 187, 198, 210
small-scale farming 339–40, 343–5, 417
Smith, Andrew 64
social benefits of IFS 440–1, 450
Social Darwinism 3
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