Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Index 529

physical activity transition 119–28
see also sedentarization
Piaroa Indians, Venezuela 145–7
pig pen systems 427, 429
Pinker, Steven 88–90
plains regions, China 451–2, 472
planning activities
Grand Shandu Eco-village System 434
Russian collectivization 322–4
plant foods 21–3, 33, 159–67, 358–9, 414–15
see also crops; vegetable foods
plant functional types (PFTs) 358–9
planting activities
ancient China 211
eco-agriculture models 449
Roman agriculture 198–9, 200–1
seasonal cycle 407
spatial dimensions 409
plastic shed systems 427, 429
ploughs 200, 405, 409
polarization of farming 506–7
ASB consortium 347, 361–3
genetic modification 488–94
harmonizing national/regional 497
Innu people 124–9
integrated farming system 218–19
political control 316
political leadership 171–2, 181
pollution 118–19, 436–7
polyculture systems 410–11
population density/growth
China 424
deforestation rates 344
Far East 223–5, 424
Green Revolution 290
hunter-gatherers 23
modernization 1
open-field farming 241–2
tropical forests 341–3
positivist science 1–2
postmodernism 92, 376
potato growers 92–4
Potemkin collectives 320
poverty reduction strategies 340
Practical Farmers of Iowa (PFI) 13, 501–7, 512–16
preparatory hydraulic operations 168–70
Pretty, Jules N. 1–13, 107–35, 233, 258–89,
crops 241–3, 250
see also costs
primary forests 355
‘primitive’ agricultural societies 159–60
prizes for experimentation 267
processed foods 111–12, 118
see also store foods
processing industries 426–7
see also cottage industries; industry/industrial
procurement 320, 321–2, 324
see also appropriation

eco-counties 445–6
equation revisions 412–17
Green Revolution 290–307, 403–4
hunter-gatherers 29
integrated farming system 218–19
modernization 1
new opportunities 417–18
professional surveyors 264
land-use intensification pathways 342–3
Roman agriculture 203
trade-off analysis 360–2
proletariat class, Russia 329, 332
protective forest systems 463–7
see also shelterbelt systems
protective hydraulic operations 168–70, 182–3
protein levels in food 27–8, 112–13, 115
public awareness 488–98
public participation 488–95, 498–9
Pueblo Indians 170, 172, 177, 180
pulses 238, 239–40
pyramids 184
Qi Min Yao Shu (Chinese text) 212–13
Qin Dynasty, China 211–13
Qing Dynasty, China 209, 215–17
Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau region, China 453,
quality of soil and water 436–7
quantitative measures of subsistence 19
Quebec, Canada 107–8, 115–16, 125–8
quotas 324
Radcliffe-Brown, A.R. 52, 53
rainfall agriculture 168–9, 175, 177, 184
rainfall levels, Far East 225–6
Raion commune 322–3
range size, Kung Bushmen 23
RASE see Royal Agricultural Society of England
raspberries 332
rational utilization of forests 468–9
RDAs see recommended daily allowances
reciprocity 46
biotechnology awareness 494
shelterbelt systems 472–3
recommended daily allowances (RDAs) 112,
recycling 241, 439
reforestation 469
see also afforestation
reforms 11–13
regional development 465–8
regional needs/priorities 496
Regional Plant Introduction Stations 164
regional policy harmonization 497
regional trends, GM foods 483
biotechnology research 497
eco-county agricultural structure 444–5
genetic modification 494
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