The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1

Offset spatula, 69–70
Oil. See also Frying oil; Olive Oil
adding to pasta water, 678
best, for searing steaks, 293–94
boiling point of, 891
canola, for cooking, 294
common types, smoke points of, 860–61
flash point, defined, 891
for marinades, 327
peanut, for deep-frying, 293
smoke point, defined, 891
storing, 80
vegetable, use of term, 860
Okra, preparing, for tempura, 903
Olive Oil
cooking with, 779
extra-virgin, for flavoring dishes, 293
extra-virgin, smoke point, 861
first cold press, about, 777
and garlic sauce, about, 679–80
grades of, 777–78
how to buy, 777–78
how to store, 778–79
how to taste, 778
and Lemon Zest, Warm Ricotta with, 154
light, smoke point, 861
overwhipped, effect on flavor, 779
pure, or light, about, 777–78
and Three Flavors of Garlic, Pasta with, 684, 684
virgin and extra-virgin, about, 777

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