A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
The best DEFENSE is a good offense

The usual US version of ATTACK is the best form of defence. Also as a good offense is the
best defense.

1989 Washington Times 13 Sept. C9 The reigning corporate strategy these days is
that the best defense is a good offense. 1992 MIEDER Dict. of American Proverbs 436 A
good offense is the best defense. 2002 Washington Times 6 Apr. B2 There is a saying,
‘The best defense is a good offense.’ Your sister-in-law’s behavior was an example of
that. boldness; warfare

deferred see HOPE deferred makes the heart sick.

defiled see he that TOUCHES pitch shall be defiled.

delayed see JUSTICE delayed is justice denied.

DELAYS are dangerous

Cf. c 1300 Havelok (1915) 1.1352 Dwelling haueth ofte scathe [harm] wrouht.

1578 LYLY Euphues I. 212 Delayes breed daungers, nothing so perillous as
procrastination. 1655 J. SHIRLEY Gentlemen of Venice v. 62 Shall we go presently
[immediately], delaies are dangerous. 1824 J. FAIRFIELD Letters (1922) p. xxxi. I have
always found on all subjects that ‘delays are dangerous’. .. It is expedient that we marry
young. 1930 B. FLYNN Murder en Route xxxiii. What a pity Master Hector left it too
late. .. Delays are proverbially dangerous. action and inaction; procrastination

delved see when ADAM delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?

denied see JUSTICE delayed is justice denied.

Derbyshire see YORKSHIRE born and Yorkshire bred, strong in the arm and weak in the

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