A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1

deserve see none but the BRAVE deserve the fair; a CIVIL question deserves a civil
answer; one GOOD turn deserves another.

DESPERATE diseases must have desperate remedies

The proverb is found in many variant forms. Cf. L. extremis malis extrema remedia,
extreme remedies for extreme ills.

1539 R. TAVERNER tr. Erasmus’ Adages 4 A stronge disease requyreth a stronge
medicine. 1600–1 SHAKESPEARE Hamlet IV. iii. 9 Diseases desperate grown By
desperate appliance are reliev’d, Or not at all. 1639 J. CLARKE Parœmiologia Anglo-
Latina 200 Desperate cuts must have desperate cures. 1659 J. RUSHWORTH Hist.
Collections 1.120 According to the usual Proverb, A desperate disease must have a
desperate remedy. 1748 RICHARDSON Clarissa VI. 292 I must.. have an interview with
the charmer of my Soul: For desperate diseases must have desperate remedies. 1935 ‘A.
WYNNE’ Toll House Murder ix. These circumstances are wholly exceptional. Desperate
diseases, they say, call for desperate remedies. 1961 ‘A. GILBERT’ She shall Die xi.
She’d have sold the roof over her head sooner than have you know. Desperate situations
require desperate remedies. 2001 W. NORTHCUTT Darwin Awards II 2 Desperate times
call for desperate measures, which are often sensible when you consider the bleak
alternative. necessity

destiny see HANGING and wiving go by destiny.

destroy see whom the GODS would destroy, they first make mad.

details see the DEVIL is in the details.

The DEVIL can quote Scripture for his own ends

The proverb alludes to the temptation of Christ by the Devil (MATTHEW iv) when the
latter quotes a passage from Psalm xci.

1596 SHAKESPEARE Merchant of Venice I. iii. 93 The devil can cite Scripture for
his purpose. An evil soul producing holy witness Is like a villain with a smiling cheek.
1761 C. CHURCHILL Apology 15 Thus Candour’s maxims flow from Rancour’s throat,
As devils, to serve their purpose, Scripture quote. 1843 DICKENS Martin Chuzzlewit xi.
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