A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1

is a picture of the mind as the eyes are its interpreter; L. vultus est index animi (also oculus
animi index), the face (also, eye) is the index of the mind.

1545 T. PHAER Regiment of Life 14 The eyes.. are the wyndowes of the mynde, for
both ioye & anger..are seene..through them. a 1575 J. PILKINGTON Nehemiah (1585) i.
The affections of the minde declare them selues openlie in the face. 1601 JONSON
Cynthia’s Revels D3VI can refell [refute] that Paradox.. of those, which hold the face to
be the Index of the minde. 1781 A. ADAMS in L. H. Butterfield et al. Adams Family
Correspondence (1973) IV. 2151 did not study the Eye that best Index to the mind. 1864
MRS. H. WOOD Trevlyn Hold I. i. You have not to learn that the face is the outward
index of the mind within. 1940 G. SEAVER Scott of Antarctic II. 48 The eye, which is the
reflector of the external world, is also the mirror of the soul within. 1979 J. GERSON
Omega Factor iii. If the old saying, the eyes are the window of the soul, were true then
this young girl had misplaced her soul. 1997 Windows Magazine Feb. 205 If the eyes are
the windows to the soul, then the monitor is the window to your system. 2000 J. W.
HALL Rough Draft (2001) i. 23 He’d never believed in reading things into people’s eyes.
All that windows-of-the-soul bullshit. appearance, significant
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