A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1


face see don’t CUT off your nose to spite your face; the EYES are the window of the soul.

FACT is stranger than fiction

An alliterative version of TRUTH is stranger than fiction.

1853 T. C. HALIBURTON Sam Slick’s Wise Saws 5 Facts are stranger than fiction,
for things happen sometimes that never entered into the mind of man to imagine or
invent. 1881 A. JESSOPP Arcady for Better or Worse iii. I have no desire to convince the
world that..in this..case fact is stranger than fiction. But the following instance of Mr.
Chowne’s ‘cunning’ may be verified. 1929 E. J. MILLWARD Copper Bottle 64 Facts
may be stranger than fiction,.. but fiction is generally truer than facts. 1980 Christian
Science Monitor 30 May B3 Some of the research seems almost eerie to the outsider,
covering some genuine fact-is-stranger-than-fiction ground. reality and illusion

FACTS are stubborn things

1732 E. BUDGELL Liberty & Progress ii. Plain matters of fact are terrible stubborn
things. 1749 J. ELIOT Continuation of Essay on Field Husbandry 20 Facts are stubborn
things. 1866 BLACKMORE Cradock Nowell III. vi. Facts, however, are stubborn things,
and will not even make a bow to the sweetest of young ladies. 1942 L. THAYER Murder
is Out xxvii. You’re.. too intelligent to think that suggestion would have any weight with
a jury. .. Facts are stubborn things. reality and illusion

fail see when all FRUIT fails welcome haws.

failure see SUCCESS has many fathers, while failure is an orphan.

FAINT heart never won fair lady

Cf. c 1390 GOWER Confessio Amantis v. 6573 Bot as men sein, wher herte is failed, Ther
schal no castell ben assailed.

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