A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
1545 R. TAVERNER tr. Erasmus’ Adages (ed. 2) 10 A coward verely neuer obteyned
the loue of a faire lady. 1580 LYLY Euphues & his England II. 131 Faint hart Philautus
neither winneth Castell nor Lady: therfore endure all thinges that shall happen with
patience. 1614 W. CAMDEN Remains concerning Britain (ed. 2) 306 Faint heart neuer
wonne faire Lady. 1754 RICHARDSON Grandison I. xvi. Then, madam, we will not take
your denial. .. Have I not heard it said, that faint heart never won fair lady. 1899 G.
GISSING Crown of Life xiii. Could he leave England, this time, without confessing
himself to her? Faint heart—he mused over the proverb. 2002 New Scientist 11 May 37
Those who risk all might die in the attempt, but this is no worse genetically speaking than
sitting around and dying childless; they might, by risking all, do very well indeed. Faint
heart never won fair lady. boldness; love

FAIR and softly goes far in a day

c 1350 Douce MS 52 no. 50 Fayre and softe me [one] ferre gose. 1670 J. RAY
English Proverbs 87 Fair and softly goes far in a day. ..He that spurs on too fast at first
setting out, tires before he comes to his journeys end. Festina lente. 1818 SCOTT Heart
of Midlothian IV. viii. Reuben Butler isna the man I take him to be, if he disna learn the
Captain to fuff [puff] his pipe some other gate [place] than in God’s house, or [before]
the quarter be ower. ‘Fair and softly gangs far,’ said Meiklehose. 1914 K. F. PURDON
Folk of Furry Farm ii. Maybe I’m like the singed cat, better than I look! I’m slow, but
fair and easy goes far in a day. gentleness; tact

All’s FAIR in love and war

Cf. 1578 LYLY Euphues I. 236 Anye impietie may lawfully be committed in loue, which
is lawlesse.

1620 T. SHELTON tr. Cervantes’ Don Quixote II. xxi. Love and warre are all one. ..
It is lawfull to use sleights and stratagems to.. attaine the wished end. 1845 G. P. R.
JAMES Smuggler II. iv. In love and war, every stratagem is fair, they say. 1986 S.
BRETT Nice Class of Corpse xl. Then Eulalie’s eyes narrowed and she looked hard at her
companion. ‘Do you believe that all is fair in love and war?’ 2002 Spectator 15 June 63
All is fair in love and war, and it is important that you sustain your marriage. You must
therefore take the following, deceitful steps. fair dealing; love; warfare

FAIR play’s a jewel

1809 W. IRVING Hist. New York II. VI. vii. The furious Risingh, in despight of that
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