one ENGLISHMAN’S can beat three Frenchmen
the KUMARA does not speak of its own sweetness
MUCH cry and little wool
SELF-PRAISE is no recommendation
TALK is cheap
boldness see also courage
ADVENTURES are to the adventurous
ATTACK is the best form of defence
BETTER to live one day as a tiger..
the best DEFENSE is a good offense
FAINT heart never won fair lady
you never KNOW what you can do till you try
if you gently touch a NETTLE..
NOTHING so bold as a blind mare
NOTHING venture, nothing gain
NOTHING venture, nothing have
put a STOUT heart to a stey brae
borrowing and lending
neither a BORROWER nor a lender be
the EARLY man never borrows from the late man
he that GOES a-borrowing, goes a-sorrowing
LEND your money and lose your friend
bravery see courage
brevity and long-windedness
BREVITY is the soul of wit
a GREAT book is a great evil
LENGTH begets loathing
bribery and corruption
EVERY man has his price
there’s no such thing as a FREE lunch
a GOLDEN key can open any door
KISSING goes by favour
it’s not WHAT you know, it’s who you know