A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
BUSINESS before pleasure
CORPORATIONS have neither bodies to be punished..
EVERY man to his trade
MONEY has no smell
where there’s MUCK there’s brass
PUNCTUALITY is the soul of business
SELL in May and go away
SHORT reckonings make long friends
TRADE follows the flag
there are TRICKS in every trade
TWO of a trade never agree

busybodies see also eavesdroppers

if it ain’t BROKE, don’t fix it
let the COBBLER stick to his last
EVERYBODY’S business is nobody’s business
LAY-OVERS for meddlers
LET well alone
let SLEEPING dogs lie
the more you STIR it..
TOO many cooks spoil the broth

buying and selling see also business

BUY in the cheapest market..
you BUY land, you buy stones..
let the BUYER beware
the BUYER has need of a hundred eyes..
the CUSTOMER is always right
a MONEYLESS man goes fast through the market
SELL in May and go away
it takes TWO to make a bargain
one WHITE foot, buy him..
the WORTH of a thing is what it will bring

calendar lore see also weather lore

BARNABY bright, Barnaby bright..
CANDLEMAS day, put beans in the clay..
ne’er CAST a clout till May be out
FEBRUARY fill dyke..
on the FIRST of March, the crows begin to search
MARRY in May, rue for aye
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