A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
MAY chickens come cheeping
NO moon, no man
on SAINT Thomas the Divine kill all turkeys, geese, and swine
it is not SPRING until you can plant your foot upon twelve daisies
a SWARM in May is worth a load of hay..
SWEEP the house with broom in May..

caution see also discretion; risk

let the BUYER beware
the BUYER has need of a hundred eyes..
be CAREFUL what you pray for, you might get it
if you can’t be GOOD, be careful
LOOK before you leap
MEASURE seven times, cut once
MEASURE twice, cut once
those who PLAY at bowls must look out for rubbers
one STEP at a time
he who SUPS with the Devil should have a long spoon
THREE things are not to be trusted..
THINK twice, cut once

certainty and uncertainty

NOTHING is certain but death and taxes
NOTHING is certain but the unforeseen
the UNEXPECTED always happens

change see also constancy and inconstancy; innovation

there are no BIRDS in last year’s nest
a CHANGE is as good as a rest
NEW lords, new laws
NOTHING is for ever
ONE nail drives out another
OTHER times, other manners
THREE removals are as bad as a fire

character see human nature


CHARITY begins at home
CHARITY covers a multitude of sins
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