a BULLY is always a coward
CONSCIENCE makes cowards of us all
COWARDS die many times before their death
don’t CRY before you’re hurt
credulity see trust and scepticism
cunning see guile
ASK no questions and hear no lies
CURIOSITY killed the cat
LAY-OVERS for meddlers
danger see peril
good AMERICANS when they die go to Paris
every BULLET has its billet
let the DEAD bury the dead
blessed are the DEAD that the rain rains on
DEATH is the great leveller
DEATH pays all debts
you can only DIE once
every ELM has its man
one FUNERAL makes many
whom the GODS love die young
the GOOD die young
a GREEN Yule makes a fat churchyard
there is a REMEDY for everything except death
SHROUDS have no pockets
STONE-dead hath no fellow
as the TREE falls, so shall it lie
YOUNG men may die, but old men must die
deception see also guile
APPEARANCES are deceptive
FEAR the Greeks bearing gifts
FOOL me once, shame on you