A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
the HUSBAND is always the last to know
in vain the NET is spread in the sight of the bird
PROMISES, like pie-crust, are made to be broken

decision and indecision see also choices

BETWEEN two stools one falls..
the CAT would eat fish..
don’t CHANGE horses in mid-stream
COUNCILS of war never fight
when in DOUBT, do nowt
FIRST thoughts are best
he who HESITATES is lost
if you RUN after two hares you will catch neither

deeds see action and inaction; words and deeds

democracy see equality; rulers and ruled

deserts see just deserts

desire see wanting and having

despair see hope and despair

desperation see necessity

destiny see fate and fatalism


it is easier to PULL down than to build up
don’t THROW the baby out with the bathwater

diet see food and drink; health

difficulties see misfortune; trouble

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