A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
cap fits.. conduct; reputation

capacity see GENIUS is an infinite capacity for taking pains. caravan see DOGS bark, but
the caravan goes on.

Where the CARCASE is, there shall the eagles be gathered together

With allusion to MATTHEW xxiv. 28 (AV) Wheresoever the carcase is, there will the
Eagles be gathered together. Modern translations read ‘vultures’ for ‘eagles’.

c 1566 W. P. tr. Curio’s Pasquin in Trance 33 Where the caraine [carrion] is, thither
do the Eagles resort. 1734 B. FRANKLIN Poor Richard’s Almanack (Jan.) Where
carcasses are, eagles will gather, And where good laws are, much people flock thither.
1929 C. BUSH Perfect Murder Case x. On the way he explained his appearance at the
inquest on the twin lines of busman’s holiday and that where the carcass is there will the
vultures be gathered together. 1979 ‘S. WOODS’ Proceed to Judgement 190 [He] was
surprised to find Sir Nicholas and Vera, as well as Roger and Meg, having tea with Jenny.
‘Where the carcase is, there shall the eagles be gathered together,’ he commented, not
very politely. associates

card see LUCKY at cards, unlucky in love.

CARE killed the cat

Cf. CURIOSITY killed the cat. There is some shift in meaning between care = worry, grief
and care = carefulness, caution, and in quot. 1962 the meaning is ‘care lavished on the cat’,
rather than care exercised by it.

1598–9 SHAKESPEARE Much Ado about Nothing v. i. 133 Though care kill’d a cat,
thou hast mettle enough in thee to kill care. 1726 SWIFT Poems II. 761 Then, who says
care will kill a cat? Rebecca shews they’re out in that. 1890 ‘R. BOLDREWOOD’
Miner’s Right II. xxiii. He was always ready to enjoy himself. .. ‘Care killed a cat.’ 1949
S. SMITH Holiday xii. We must be careful of that. Care killed the cat, said Caz. 1962 A.
CHRISTIE Mirror Crack’d xxii. Care killed the cat, they say. .. You don’t want kindness
rubbed into your skin,.. do you? 1979 F. SELWYN Sergeant Verity & Blood Royal xx.
‘Pretty sure, Mr. Crowe? I was bloody near ten feet short of it, that’s all!’.. ‘Come on
now, Verity. Care might kill a cat! Look to the future!’ stress
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