A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
Don’t CARE was made to care

Quot. 1959 gives the version of the traditional children’s rhyme found at Hackney,

1959 I. & P. OPIE Lore and Language of Schoolchildren iii. 50 To ‘don’t-cares’ the
traditional saying is: Don’t care was made to care, Don’t care was hung, Don’t care was
put in a pot And boiled till he was done. 1992 D. LESSING African Laughter 223 Look at
the maize. How do we know what bugs the Portuguese brought in with maize? We don’t
know! We don’t care! Well, don’t care was made to care.. you ought to be able to stick a
finger easily into real soil. 2001 Spectator 19 May 13 And as the crime spawned by
permissiveness reaches even into the most secluded cul-de-sac, they will find that an
egalitarian government is neutral between victim and offender, so that while they cannot
defend themselves, there is nobody out there to protect them. Don’t care will be made to
care then. trouble

care see also CHILDREN are certain cares, but uncertain comforts; take care of the
PENCE and the pounds will take care of themselves.

Be CAREFUL what you pray for, you might get it

1933 Oakland Tribune 24 Feb B7 At 11a.m., the Rev. Tob Watt, pastor, will preach
on ‘Be Careful What You Pray For—You Might Get It.’ 1985 Washington Post 22 Apr.
A2 Be careful what you pray for, it is said, for your prayer might be granted. Reagan now
is being Reagan, and the true believers are learning more than they ever wanted to know
about the perils of unleashing him. 1995 CNN, 2 Mar. Public opinion polls show well
over 70 percent of Americans are in favor. But it reminds me of a little prayer you hear—
or adage you hear from time to time—’Be careful what you pray for, you just might get
it.’ Is it your sense that the majority of Americans who do want a balanced budget really
know what they’re in for? 2002 Times 4 Mar. 4 Howard had been thoroughly upbeat about
the future. ‘These last few weeks I’ve had to say: Be careful what you pray for, because it
might happen!’ caution; hope

careful see if you can’t be GOOD, be careful.

The CARIBOU feeds the wolf, but it is the wolf who keeps the caribou strong

Inuit proverb, stressing the interrelationship between predator and prey.
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