A History of the World From the 20th to the 21st Century

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Mitterand, François 525, 865,
Mizazawa, Kiichi 653
Mladic, Ratko 923
Mobutu, Sese Seko 739–740
Modrow, Hans 901
Mogadishu 751
Moi, Daniel arap 747
Mola, General Emilio 216, 217
Moldavia 321, 349
Mollet, Guy 447
Molotov, V. M. 254, 298, 356,
Moltke, General Helmuth von 56
Mongolia 180, 253
Monnet, Jean 342–343, 508, 515
Monnet Plan 343, 515–516
Montagu, Edwin 392
Montagu-Chelmsford report
(1918) 392
Monte Bello Island 537
Montenegro 46–47, 919
Montgomery, General Bernard
279, 291
Morales, Villeda 708
Morgenthau, Henry 260, 292
Morgenthau Plan 312
Morley-Minto reforms (1909)
Moro, Aldo 844
Morocco: French and German
rivalry over 26–27; Anglo-
French agreement 26; Spanish
army defeats 217; independence
515, 524
Morrison, Herbert 329, 330
Mosley, Oswald 160
Mossadeq, Mohammed 440, 462
Mountbatten, Lord 303, 329,
395–396, 629
Moyne, Lord 335
Mozambique 774
MPLA (Popular Movement for
Liberation) 773
Mubarak, Hosni 908, 916, 942
Mugabe, Robert 755, 758–760,
Muhammad, Elijah 581
Muhammad Ali 581
Mujibur Rahman, Sheikh 633, 634
Mukden 199
Muldoon, Robert 676
Mulroney, Brian 827
Munich Conference (1938) 180,
232; Olympics murder (1972)
Museveni, Yoweri 742–743

Musharraf, General Pervez 637,
Muslim Brotherhood 441, 443
Mussolini, Benito 145–50, 345;
march on Rome 147; creation of
totalitarian state 150; reduction
of power of Church 149;
invasion of Abyssinia 211–212;
and Four-Power Treaty 206;
relations with Hitler 208, 211,
227; and Austria 208–209;
support for Franco 217; at
Munich 232; reluctance to go to
war 235; as possible mediator
247–248; enters war 250; anti-
Jewish legislation 269;
overthrow and death 288
Muzorewa, Bishop Abel 757, 758
Mwinyi, Ali Hassan 745
Myanmar (formerly Burma, q.v.)
594, 948

NAFTA (North American Free
Trade Agreement) 948
Nagasaki 304
Nagorno-Karabakh 803
Nagumo Admiral Osami 261
Nagy, Imre 480, 893
Nakasone, Yasuhiro 652
Namibia 772, 773–774
Nanking 256
Nassau Agreement (1962) 538,
Nasser, Gamal Abdel 440–441;
rise to power 441; and Suez
442–446; 455; Western
appeasement of 441; bid for
Pan-Arab leadership 457; arms
deal with Russia 445; changed
Western attitude to 445–446;
and Six-Day War 457–459;
death 459
National Association for the
Advancement of Coloured
People 489
Native Land Acts (South Africa,
1913, 1936) 764
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty
Organisation): founding of 371,
374, 375, 490, 518; military
forces 486, 490, 511; as
defensive alliance 497, 498, 499;
West German membership 543,
499; French pressure for
changes 532; nuclear structure
538; Italian membership 548,
549, 550; ‘dual track’ decision

835; changing functions 951;
Turkish membership 442, 882,
883; Polish membership 892;
Czech membership 892;
Hungary membership 892; and
Yugoslavia 921–924
Nazi–Soviet Pact (1939) 235, 242,
Ne Win, General 589, 592–593
Negrin, Dr Juan 218
Neguib, General Mohammed 441
Nehru, Jawaharlal 391, 394, 395,
631–640; as first prime minister
of India 396–397, 638–640;
non-alignment policy 632; and
Kashmir 631–632; language issue
638; socialist vision 639, 642
Nenni, Pietro 347, 548, 552
Netanyahu, Binyamin 916
Netherlands 246, 371; Jews in
269; in Benelux 371; in NATO
374; and Indonesia 383–385;
and oil market 417; in EC 521
Netherlands East Indies – see
Dutch East Indies
Neurath, Konstantin von 227
Neutrality Laws, American 252
New Deal (USA) 164–167
New Forum (East Germany)
New Guinea 594, 667
New Zealand 258, 673–678; votes
for women 673; and Vietnam
war 601; American protection of
676; precursor of welfare state
673; and social welfare 675; and
Maoris 674–675; economy 674,
676; turn away from welfare
state 677–678
Ngo Dinh Diem 389, 557–558,
562, 603, 604
Ngo Dinh Nhu 558, 562
Nguyen Van Thieu 791
Nicaragua 707, 710–713, 819;
civil war 712; population 707; as
Marxist state 712–713
Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia 42, 44,
46; and First World War 56, 57,
97, 103; abdication 105; murder
Niemöller, Martin 225
Niger 728
Niger Company 725
Nigeria 729–733; civil war 733,
Night of the Long Knives
(Germany 1934) 192

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