A History of the World From the 20th to the 21st Century

(Jacob Rumans) #1

1600–1972 (Penguin, 1989); J. J. Lee, Ireland,
1912–1985(Cambridge, 1989). P. Arthur and K.
Jeffery, Northern Ireland since 1968
(Blackwell, 1988)
chronicles and analyses the conflict.

One of the best general overviews is J.-P. Rioux, The
Fourth Republic, 1914–1958(Cambridge, 1987); per-
haps the most interesting way to tackle post-war France
is through the English version of J. Lacouture’s brilliant
biography, De Gaulle: The Ruler, 1945–1970(Harvill,
1991); see by the same author, Pierre Mendés-France
(Holmes & Meier, 1984). See also J. R. Frears, France
in the Giscard Precidency(Allen & Unwin, 1981); D. S.
Bell and B. Griddle, The French Socialist Party: The
Emergence of a Party of Government (2nd edn, Oxford,
1988). Two very readable contributions illuminating
French politics and way of life are J. Ardagh, The New
France: A Society in Transition, 1945–1977
(2nd edn,
Penguin, 1973) and the same author’s France in the
1980s (Penguin, 1982). On France’s war in Indo-
China, see J. Dalloz, War in Indo-China, 1945–1954
(Gill & Macmillan, 1990). The conflict in Algeria is
graphically covered in A. Home, A Savage War of Peace:
Algeria, 1954–1962
(Penguin, 1979); for French pol-
icy in the West, see F. R. Willis, France, Germany and
the New Europe, 1945–1963(Stanford, 1965); economic
and social developments, since 1945 are analysed in C.
Flockton and E. Kofman, France* (Chapman, 1989).

A. Grosser, Germany in Our Time: A Political History of
the Post-war Years* (Penguin, 1974) is an interpretative
study by the German-born author, who emigrated
to France. With a demise of the German Democratic
Republic, H. A. Turner had to revise his The Two
Germanies since 1945published in 1987, and he con-
trasts and recounts the history of the two Germanies
from a new perspective in Germany from Partition
to Reunification(Yale, 1992). See also T. Prittie, The
Velvet Chancellors: A History of Postwar Germany
(Muller, 1979) and M. Balfour, West Germany: A
Contemporary History(Croom Helm, 1982). For the
American occupation, see J. Gimbel, The American
Occupation of Germany: Politics and the Military
(Stanford, 1968). The Konrad Adenauer Memoirs,
1945–53, trans. B. Ruhm von Orpen (Weidenfeld &
Nicolson, 1966) make for pretty dry reading and can be
supplemented by T. Prittie, Konrad Adenauer(Stacey,
1972), by the same author’s biography Wily Brandt:
Portrait of a Statesman(Schocken, 1974) and by G.
Pridham, Christian Democracy in Western Germany
(Croom Helm, 1977). W. Griffith, The Ostpolitik of the
Federal Republic of Germany(MIT, 1978) traces the
changing relationship with the other Germans; see also
P. Merkl, German Foreign Policies East and West(Clio,
1974). The history of the German Democratic Republic

until her dissolution will need to be rewritten; meantime
D. Childs, The GDR: Moscow’s German Ally(2nd edn,
Alien & Unwin, 1988) and M. McCauley, The German
Democratic Republic since 1945(Macmillan, 1983) are
useful outlines. A sound German account is T.
Vogelsang, Das geteilte Deutschland* (dtv., 1980) and
P. Bender, Neue Ostpolitik vom Mauerbau bis zum
Moskauer Vertrae(dtv., 1986). On post-war Germany
there are two good overviews; M. Fulbrook, Anatomy,
of Dictatorships, Inside the GDR 1949–1989* (Oxford,
1995), and P. Pulzer, German Politics 1945–1995*
(Oxford, 5); also C. Meier, The Crisis of Communism
and the End of East Germany(Princeton, 1997).

There are several good general histories of post-war
Italy, including P. Ginsborg, A History of Contemporary
Italy: Society and Politics, 1943–1988* (Penguin, 1990),
with an extensive bibliography, and N. Kogan, A
Political History of Postwar Italy(Praeger, 1981). The
early years can be studied in S. J. Woolf (ed.), The
Rebirth of Italy, 1943–1950(Longman, 1972); corrup-
tion and the political way of life are discussed in J.
Chubb, Patronage, Power and Poverty in Southern Italy:
A Tale of Two Cities(Cambridge, 1982) and J. Walston,
The Mafia and Clientilism: Roads to Rome in Postwar
Calabria(Routledge, 1988).

Spain and Portugal
An overview can be found in R. Carr, Modern Spain,
1875–1980(Oxford, 1980); for post-civil-war Spain, see
R. Carr and J. P. Fusi, Spain: Dictatorship to Democracy*
(2nd edn, Allen & Unwin, 1981). A biography of
Franco in English translation is E. de Blaye, Franco and
the Politics of Spain* (Penguin, 1976). See also P.
Preston, The Triumph of Democracy in Spain(Methuen,
1986); R. Robinson, Contemporary Portugal: A History
(Allen & Unwin, 1979); K. Maxwell, The Making of
Portuguese Democracy(Cambridge, 1994).

The European Community
Three good overviews, are J. Lodge (ed.), The Euro-
pean Community and the Challenge of the Future*
(Pinter, 1989); J. Pinder, European Community: The
Building of a Union(Oxford, 1991); and D. Swann, The
Economics of a Common Market*(6th edn, Penguin,
1988). C. Tugendhat, Making Sense of Europe*
(Penguin, 1986), by a former vice-president of the EC
Commission from 1981 to 1985, is a realistic but
upbeat appraisal of its achievements and future needs.
See also S. de la Mahotière, Towards One Europe*
(Penguin, 1970).

V. Rothwell, Britain and the Cold War, 1941–1947
(Routledge, 1982); A. Deighton, The Impossible Peace:

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