Y ogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 141
This posture strengthens the wrists and abdominal walls.
53· Garbha Pir:cfasana Seven* (Plate rr6)
Garbha Pil)<;fa means an embryo in the womb (garbha=womb;
pinda.. =embryo). In this variation of Padmasana, insert the hands and
arms in the space between the calves and thighs until the elbows are
bent. The arms are then bent up and the hands brought close to the
ears. The pose then resembles that of a human foetus in the womb, the
differences being that the embryo's head is down, while the legs are
up and not folded in Padmasana. The name of the posture indicates
that the ancient sages knew about the growth of the human foetus in
the mother's womb though the medical instruments at their disposal
were limited.
- Sit in Padmasana. (Plate 104)
- Insert the hands in the space between the thighs and calves, each
on its own side.
3· Push the arms forwards till the elbows can be easily bent.
4· Then, with an exhalation, lift the thighs off the floor, balance the
body on the coccyx (the tail bone) and catch the ears with the
fingers. (Plate II 6)
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