Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
140 Light on Yoga

The dorsal region is fully extended in this posture and the chest is
well expanded. Breathing becomes fu ller. The thyroids benefit from
the exercise due to the stretching of the neck. The pelvic joints be­
come elastic. The asana relieves inflamed and bleeding piles.

  1. Kukkurasana Six* (Plate I I 5)
    K ukku!a means a cock, which this posture resembles.

I. Sit in Padmasana. (Plate I 04)

  1. Insert the hands in the space between the thigh and calf near the
    knees. Start with the fingers and gradually push the hands down up
    to the elbows.

3· Exhale, raise the body off the floor and balance on the palms
keeping the thumbs together. Maintain the balance as long as you can
with normal breathing. (Plate I I 5)


4· Rest on the floor, release the hands, change the crossing of the legs
and repeat the pose.

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