Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
280 Light on Yoga

  1. Bhujapzdasana Eight* (Plate 348)

Bhuja means an arm or shoulder. P1da means pain or pressure. In
this asana, the body is balanced on the hands by resting the back of
the knees on the shoulders, hence the name.


  1. Stand in Ta�asana. (Plate 1.) Spread the legs till the feet are about
    two fe et apart.

  2. Stoop forward and bend the knees.

3· Place the palms on the floor about a foot and a half apart, between
the legs. (Plate 346)


4· Rest the back of the thighs on the back of the upper arms. Rest
the thighs on the middle of the upper arms between the shoulders and

5· While placing the thighs in this position, in the beginniug raise the
heels from the floor.

  1. Exhale, slowly raise the toes off the floor one by one, balance on
    the hands (Plate 347) and then interlock the fe et at the ankles. (Plate
    348.) In the beginning the legs will slip down and there will be difficulty
    in balancing. To secure the balance try and place the back of the thighs
    as high up on the upper arms as you can. The arms will be slightly
    bent at the elbows. Try and extend the arms as far as you can and raise
    the head up.

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