290 Light on Yoga
Widen the lege; until the distance between the two knees is about a foot
and a half.
- Bend the knees and lift them up by drawing the feet towards the
3· Exhale, bend the trunk forward and insert the hands one by one
under the knees. (Plates 360 and 361.) Push the arms underneath the
knees and stretch them straight out sideways. Rest the shoulders on
the floor and keep the palms on it. (Plate 362.) Take a breath.
4· Exhale, stretch the trunk, still more, extend the neck and bring the
forehead, then the chin and lastly the chest down to the floor. Then
stretch the legs straight again. (Plates^363 and 364.) The knees will
then be near the armpits and the back of the knees will touch the back
of the upper arms near the armpits.
5· Gradually intensify the stretch until the chin and the chest rest on
the floor. Extend the legs fully also and press the heels down to the
floor. This is the first stage. Hold this position from 30 to 6o seconds.