Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
Y ogasanas, Bandha and Kriyli 291

  1. Now turn the wrists so that the palms face up, and keeping the
    legs, trunk and head in the same position, move the arms back from
    the shoulders and stretch them straight so that the forearms are near
    the hip joints. (Plate 365.) Stay in this position without bending the
    elbows for 30 to 6o seconds. This is the second stage.

7· Bend and lift up the knees. Then lift the chest slightly off the
floor, move the hands behind the back by bending at the elbows and
clasp them. (Plate 366)

  1. Now move the feet towards the head. Interlock the feet at the ankles
    by placing the right foot over the left one or vice versa. (Plate 367)
    9· Exhale, insert the head in between the feet and keep the forehead
    on the floor. The back of the head will touch the interlocked feet
    near the ankles. This is the final stage known as:

1 34· Supta Kurmasana Fourteen* (Plate 368)

Stay in this pose from one to two minutes. It is advisable to change
the position of the feet while interlocking them, so that if at first the
right foot is placed over the left one, when changing the position of

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