Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 325
IO. Go back to Sfr� asana II. Then after completing the pose from
para. 7 without changing the crossed leg by turning the body to the
right, attempt to place the left thigh on the upper right arm, raise
the head from the floor and balance. (Plate 425a)
I 1. Hold the pose for the same length of time on all occasions. Then
go back to - Slrsas 0 ana II, lower the legs to the floor and relax. Or
perform Urdhva Dhanurasana (Plate 486) and then stand up in
Ta<:fasana. (Plate 1.) When one has mastered Viparlta Chakrasana
(Plates 488 to 499) this is an exhilarating exercise after practising
Urdhva Dhanurasana.
In addition to the benefit one secures from Urdhva Kukkutasana
(Plate 4I 9), in this variation the spine receives a lateral twist and is
toned. The chest, arms and the abdominal muscles and organs
become stronger and vital power increases.
I s6. Galavasana Sixteen* (Plates 427 and 428)
Galava was a sage and one of Visvamitra's pupils. This asana IS
dedicated to him.
Technique '
- Perform Salamba Sfr�asana II. (Plate I92)
- Then move into Padmasana (by placing the right foot at the root
of the left thigh, and the left foot at the root of the right thigh, Plate