Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
Priir)iiyiima 45 I

The technique of Bhamar'i Pdi�ayama is the same as that of Ujjayi.
The difference is that in Bhamar'i, during exhalation, a soft humming
sound ' like the murmuring of bees is made. After completion lie down
in Savasana. (Plate 592)
The. humming. sound m BhamarT Pra�ayama ts helpful m cases of

  1. S'itali Pra"!ayiima (Plate 601)
    Sitala means cool. This pra�ayama cools the system, hence the name.


  1. Sit in Padmasana (Plate 104), Siddhasana (Plate 84) or Vlrasana
    (Plate 89).

  2. Keep the back erect and rigid and the head level. Perform the
    Jiiana Mudra with the hands (see p. 433, para. 21). Here Jalandhara
    Bandha is not done during inhalation but later.

3· Open the mouth and form the lips into an '0'.
4· The sides and tip of the tongue touching the teeth, from the molars
to the front teeth, should be lifted and curled up. The shape of the
tongue will resemble a fresh curled leaf about to open. (Plate 601)

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