Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

Appendix I 4 77

9ISt to 94th week

Do the important asanas in Course One and Two as· well as all the
�sanas which have been added so far in Course Three including the
Sir�asana and Sarvangasana cycles.

95th to Iooth week
Si'r�asana and cycle (I 84 to 2 I 8) ; Sarvangasana and cycle ( 2 34 to 2 7 I
except 267); Supta Padangu�!hasana (285 to 287); Paschimottanasana

(I6o); Kiirmasana and. Supta Kiirmasana (363-4 and 368); Yogani­
drasana (3 9 I) ; Eka pad a Sirsasana • (3 7 I) ; Bhairavasana (3 7 5) ; Skandasana •
(372); Chakorasana (379 and 380); Pin�ha Mayiirasana (357); Sayan-
asana (358); Mayiirasana (354); Hamsasana • (356); Bhujapi'dasana (348);
Bakasana (406); Adhomukha - Vrksasana.. (359); Vasisthasana .. (398);
Visvamitrasana (403); Urdhva Dhanurasana (486) for 8 times, stretch-
ing the legs and arms out straight after each time (487) to relieve stiffness
in the back; Dwipada Viparita Da�<;tasana (5 I 6) for I minute; Kapot­
asana(507) ;Ardha Matsyendrasana • I & II (3I I-I2 and 330-I); Pasasana
(328 and 329); Uttanasana (48); Savasana (592). Pra�ayama as before.

IOist to I08th week
As. the 95th week but do Vipari'ta Dandasana.. (5I6) from Salamba
Sir�asana I (184) and again swing back to Sir�asana I. For many this
period is too short for acquiring control of Viparita Da�<;tasana. Con­
centrate then on this and shorten the time spent on the other asanas.

I09th to I 25th week
Follow the 95th week course, add Vipari'ta D�<;tasana (5 I 6) as above
and learn Viparita Chakrasana (488 to 499) by doing it I5 times daily
at a stretch. It is a difficult asana and it needs perseverance to perfect
it. If you cannot do so in this period, do not lose heart but continue
with it for several more weeks.

I 26th to I 30th week

. -
Sirsasana. and cycle. (I84 to 218); Urdhva Kukkutasana. (4I9); Bakasana
(4IO) from Sirsasana II (I92); Adhomukha Vrksasana (359); Pincha
Mayiirasana (3S7) following these four asanas

with Urdhva Dhanur­
asana (486); and Viparita Chakrasana (488 to 499); Bhuja Pi'dasana
(348); Astavakrasana (342-3); Mayurasana (354); Hamsasana (356);
Vasi�!hasana (398); Kasyapasana (399-400); Visvamitrasana (403);
Salamba Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 27I except 267); Supta Pad­
angusthasana (285 to 287); Paschimottanasana (160); Kiirmasana (363-
4); s;ipta Kiirmasana (368); Yoganidrasana (39I); Ekapada S'irsasana •
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