Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

478 Appendix I

(371); Skandasana (372); Bhairavasana (375); Kalabhairavasana (378);
Chakorasana (37�80); Dwipada Viparlta Dandasana.. (516) from Sirs-.
asana(184) ;Kapotasana(507); Vipari'ta Chakrasana (488 to 499) 6 times;
Ardha Matsyendrasana • I & II (311-12, 330-1); Pasasana (328--9);
Uttanasana (48); Savasana (592). Pra�ayama as before with meditation.

I 3 Ist to I 36th week
Go back to Courses One and Two and do Urdhva Kukku!asana (419);
Yoganidrasana (391); Viparfta Chakrasana (488 to 499) for 15 times;
Dwipada Vipari'ta Da�f<;Jasana (516) and Kapotasana (507).
Note-Viparfta Chakrasana (488 to 499) is a strenuous asana so that one
may not be able to do Pranayama. ' daily. In that event, do Pranayama on.
alternate days and the cycles of Sfr�asana and Sarvangasana on alternate
days. Also, if the body is stiff and you cannot cope with the table as
given above, then spread the asanas and the weeks to your convenience.
Unless you improve these back-bending postures you cannot proceed
much with the other difficult asanas. It is also possible that those over
35 will find it difficult to master Viparita Chakrasana in so short a time.
I have instructed many people of different ages and some learn quicker
than others. But there is no age limit for these asanas.

I 37th to I 42nd week
' -
S!rsasana. and cycle (18' 4 to 218); Urdhva Kukkutasana. (419); Bakasana
(410) from S!rsasana II (192); Parsva Bakasana (412); Galavasana (427
and 428); Adhomukha V.rk�asana (359); Pincha Mayiirasana (357);
Mayiirasana (354); Vasighasana (398); Kasyapasana (399 and 400);
Visvamitrasana (403); Salamba Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 271
except 267); Supta Padangu�!hasana (285 to 287); Paschimottanasana
(160); Kiirmasana and. Supta Kiirmasana (363-4 and 368); Yoganidr­
asana (391); Ekapada S!r�asana (371); Skandasana (372); Bhairavasana
(375); Kalabhairavasana (378); Diirvasasana (383); Ruchikasana (384);
Dwipada Viparfta Da�f<;Jasana (516) from S!r�asana I (184) and back 3
times; Man<;lalasana(525 to 535); Kapotasana(507); Viparita Chakrasana
(488 to 499) for 12 times; Ardha Matsyendrasana I & II (311-12 and
330-1); Pasasana (328 and 329); Uttanasana (48); Savasana (592);
Pranayama as before with meditation.

I 43rd to I 45th week
Repeat the I 37th week course up to Ruchikasana (384) and add Viran­
chyasana I & II (386-7 and 388) and continue with Dwipada Viparfta
Da�f<;Jasana (516) and the remaining exercises of that course.
If you can add the different methods of Prat:layama explained in Part
Three, do so. Then do early morning Pra�ayama; the difficult asanas in
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