(^484) Appendix I
276th to ]Oath week
Follow the 251st week's course up to Ekapada Rajakapotasana I (542);
then do Valakhilyasana (544); Ekapada Rajakapotasana II, III and IV
(545, 546 and , 547); Slrsapadasana. (570); Ganda-Bherundasana. .... and
Viparlta Salabhasana together (580, 581 and 584) at one stretch and go
to Urdhva Dhanurasana (486) to do Tiriang-Mukhottanasana (586);
Natarajasana (590 and 591). Then follow the 2ooth week's course from
Hanumanasana (475) and PraJ:?.ayama as before.
To start with many fail to advance further than the exercises given for
the I 66th week. But by tenacity and persistent practice one can master
every asana and priiJ:?.iiyama recommended in this book. In my earlier
years it took me four years of hard work in which optimism and
pessimism were balanced equally. When you have achieved mastery of
the I 66th week of the course, I ask you in all sincerity to persevere in
the work you have undertaken happy in what you have attained and
never despairing at any temporary failure. Most people, however, take
far longer than I have stipulated to master all these asanas with comfort
and ease. When you have perfected all those detailed in this third course,
you can divide them up into a week's course as suggested below. Then
by daily practice, learn to remain master of them all.
First day of the week
Sir�asana and cycle ( 184 to 21 8); Sarvangasana and cycle (2 34 to 271);
Bhujapidasana (348); A��avakrasana (342 and 343); Bakasana (410);
Parsva Bakasana (412); Urdhva Kukku�asana (419); Parsva Kukku�
asana (424); Dwipada Kour:qinyasana (438); Ekapada Kour:qinyasana 1
(441); Ekapada Bakasana I (446); Ekapada Bakasana II with Ekapada
KouJ:?.qinyasana II (45 1 with 442); Galavasana (427); Ekapada Galav
asana (432); finishing each asana with Viparita Chakrasana (488 to 499);
Adhomukha Vrksasana.. (359); Pincha Mayurasana ' (357); Mayurasana
(,354); Paschimottanasana (160) for 5 minutes; Savasana (592). Naqi
Sodhana Pranayama. for 1 5 minutes; Ujjayi Pranayama. with Antarkum-
bhaka (inhalation retention) for 8 times; Meditation in Padmasana (104)
or Siddhasana (84) for 5 minutes.
Second day of the week
Sirsasana and cycle ( 184 to 21 8); Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 271);
Supta Padangusthasana.. (285 - to 287); }a tara Parivartanasana. (274);
Paschimottanasana (160); Akarna. Dhanurasana (173 and 175); ' Kurm-
asana and Supta Kurmasana (363, 364 and 368); Ekapada Sir�asana and
cycle (371 to 384); Viranchyasana I & II (386 and 388); Dwipada
steven felgate
(Steven Felgate)