502 Appendix II
Menstrual disorders
Si'rsasana and cycle (184 to 2I8); Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 27I);
Pas�himottanasana (I6o); Uttanasana (48); Adhomukha Svanasana
(75); Baddha Padmasana (II8); Yogamudrasana (120); Parvatasana
(107); Matsyasana (II3); Kiirmasana and Supta Kiirmasana (363, 364
and 368); Vi'rasana (89); Supta Virasana (96); Pary_ankasana (97);
Baddha Ko�asana (Io2); Upavi��a Ko�asana (I5I); Urdhva Mukha
Paschimottanasana I & II (r68 and 170); Yoganidrasana (391);
Mar"ich_yasana III (303); Ardha Matsyendrasana I (3 II); Pasasana
( 3 28); Urdhva Dhanurasana (486); Dwipada Viparlta Dandasana (5 r6);
Savasana (592); Na�l Sodhana Pra1:1ayama with inhala.tion retention
and Uddlyana (Section 201).
Salamba Slr�asana (I 84); if possible cycle of Slr�asana; Sarvangasana
(and whatever possible in the cycle) (234 to 271); Paschimottanasana
(I6o); Uttanasana (48); Nadl Sodhana Pranayama without retention;
Sltali Priif:1iiyama; Sanmukhi Mudra (Io6); Meditation in Vlrasana (89)
or. Siddhasana. (84) or Baddha Konasana. (I 03) or Padmasana (I 04);
Savasana (592).
Nasal catarrh
S!rsasana and cycle (184 to 2I8); Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 27I);
chimottanasana (r6o); Uttanasana (48); Adhomukha Svanasana
(75); Ujjayl (Section 203), Bhastrika (Section 206), Siiryabhedana
(Section 204) and Nad1 Sodhana. Pranayama. (Section 205).
Nervous debility
Slrs. asana and cycle (184 to 2I8); Sarvangasana and cycle. (234 to 27I);
Uttanasana (48); Paschimottanasana (160) ; Nad1 Sodhana Pranayama
without retention; Sanmukhi Mudra (Io6); M�ditation and S�vasana
Follow the asanas under Acidity, Dy spepsia and Gastritis.
Follow the asanas under Menstrual disorders.
Salamba Slr�asana I ( r 84); Salamba Sarvangasana I (234); Halasana
(244); Paschimottanasana (160) ; Uttanasana (48); Adhomukha