Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

Appendix II^503

Svanasana (75); Dwipada Viparfta Da��asana (5I6); Vfrasana (89),
Supta Virasana (96); Ujjayl (Section 203) and Naci1. Sodhana Prana-.
yama (Section 205)"without retention in the beginning. After 2 or 3
months start with 5 seconds of inhalation retention find increase the
time gradually. Savasana (592).


All the standing positions (I to 36). Salabhasana (6o); Dhanurasana
( 63) and so on. But with Polio in my experience direct guidance is
essential so do not work from the book. The asanas have to be adjusted
to the individual needs and state of the patient.

Here also, guidance from a competent teacher is a necessity. All the
standing positions (I to .36); Padangu��hasana (44); Pada Hastasana
(46); Uttanasana (48); Salabhasana (6o and 6I); Makarasana (62);
Dhanurasana (63); Bhujangasana I (73); Salamba Slrsasana I (I84);
Salamba Sarvangasana I (234); Halasana (244); Ekapada Sarvangasana
(250); Parsvaikapada Sarvangasana (25I); Parsva Halasana (249) i Supta
Konasana (247); Supta Padangusthasana (284, 285 and 287); Urdhva
Prasarita Pfidasana (276 to 279); · Savasana (592); Ujjayi (Section 203)
and Nadf • Sodhana Pranayama • (Section 205).

Slr�asana and cycle (I84 to 2I8); Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 27I);
Jatara Parivartanasana (275); Supta Padangusthasana (285 to 287);
M·atsyasana (I I4); Simhasana II (I Io); Salabha��na (6o) ; Dhanurasana
(63); Urdhva Dhanurasana (486); Dwipada Viparlta Dandasana (5I6);
Ujjayi (Section 203) and Nadl Sodhana Pranayama (Secti


... on 205) with
retention and Savasana (592).

Pleurisy and pneumonia
(After medical treatment and rest, the patient can conveniently take to
yoga practices to gain strength and lead a normal life in a shorter time.)
Salamba Slrsasana I (I 84); Salamba Sarvangasana I (234); Halasana
(244); Paschimottanasana (I6o); Uttanasana (48); Vfrasana (89);
Parvatasana (I07); Matsyasana (I I4); Ujjayi (Section 203) and Nadl
Sodhana Pranayama (Section 205) without retention, meditation ar{d
Savasana (59z).

Slrsasana and cycle (I84 to 2I8); Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 27I);
Ja��ra Parivartanasana (275); Uttanasana (48); Salabhasana (6o);
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