Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

Appendix I I 505

(89); Siddhasana (84); Baddha Konasana (Io2); and any sitting asanas
without strain. Ujjayi (Section 203) and Nadi Sodhana Pranayama
(Section 205) and Savasana (592).

· ·

Slr�asana and whatever asana is possible in the cycle (I 84 to 2I 8);
Sarvangasana and possible asanas in the cycle (234 to 27I); Virasana
(89); Paryankasana (97); Padmasana and cycle (I04 to I24); standing
positions (I to 36); Ustrasana (41); Dhanurasana (63); Ordhva Mukha
Svanasana (74) ; Ma�Tchyasana III (303); Ardha Matsyendrasana I
(3I I); Pasasana(328); Paripoorna Matsyendrasana (336); Paschimottan­
asana (I 6o) ; Y oganidrasana (3^9 i); 0 rdhva D han urasana ( 486); Dwi pada
Viparlta Da�9asana (5I6); Ujjayi (Section 203) and Na91 Sodhana
Pra�ayama (Section 205); Bhastrika (Section 206) and Uddfyana
(Section 201).

· ·

It is advisable to get the guidance of a competent teacher after medical

Tumour of the stomach
(Only if the disease • is in the beginning stage.)
Salamba Sir�asana I and possible asanas in the cycle ( 184 to 2 I 8);
Salamba Sarvangasana I and possible asanas in the cycle (234 to 271);
standing positions (I to 36); Uttanasana (48); Mahamudra (I25); Janu­
Sir�asana (I27); Supta Virasana (96); Matsyasana (114); Parvatasana
(I07); Paschimottanasana (I6o); Uddiyana (Section 20I) and Ujjayi
(Section 203) or Na9I Sodhana Pra��yama (Section 205).

Ulcer (Gastric)
Follow the asanas under Acidity, Dy spepsia and Flatulence.

Ulcer (Duodenal)
Sirsasana and cycle (I 84 to 2 I 8); Sarvangasana and cycle ( 2 34 to 2 71);

hamudra (I25); Janu-Sir�asana (127); Paschimottanasana (160);
Kiirmasana and Supta Kiirmasana (363, 364 and 368); Yoganidrasana
(39 I); Marichyasana II I (303); Ardha Matsyendrasana I (3 II);
Pasasana (328); Dwipada Viparita Dandasana (516); Uddiyana
(Section 20I), Ujjayi (Section 203) and ·Nadi. Sodhana Prai-l�yama.
(Section 205) with inhalation retention.

Urine f Dribbling or excessive)
Sir�asana and what you can in the cycle (I84 to 218); Sarvangasana
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