Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

504 Appendix II
Dhanurasana (63); Adhomukha Svanasana (75); Paripoorna Navasana
(78); Ardha Navasana (79); Janu-Si"r�asana (I27); Vi"rasana (89); Supta
Virasana (96); Baddha KoJ;lasana (Io2); Padmasana and cycle (I04 to
I 24); Kiirmasana and Supta Kiirmasana (363, 364 and 368); Ekapada
Slr�asana and cycle (37I to 384); Yoganidrasana (39I); Ardha
Matsyendrasana I & I I (3 I I and 320); Pasasana (328); Paripoorna
Matsyendrasana (336); Miilabandhasana (462); Kandasana (470);
Hanumanasana (475); Samako�asana (477); Urdhva Dhanurasana
(486); Viparlta Chakrasana (488 to 499); Dwipada Viparlta DaJ;l�asana
(5r6); MaJ;l�alasana (525 to 535); U��lyana (Section 20I), Na�l
Sodhana (Section 205) and Ujjayi PraJ;layama (Section 203) with

Rheumatic pains
Follow the asanas given under Arthritis and Lumbago.

All standing positions (I to 36); Slr�asana and do whatever is possible

in the cycle ( r (^84) to 21 8); Sarvangasana and possible asanas in the
cycle (234 to 27I); Ja�ara Parivartanasana (275); Supta Padangu��h­
asana (284 to 287); Anantasana (290); Utt.anapadasana (292); Setubandh­
asana (296); Paschimottanasana (I6o); Salabhasana (6o); Dhanurasana
(63); Bhujangasana I (73); Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (74) ; Adhomukha
Svanasana (75); Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana I & II (I68 and
170); Poorvottanasana (171); Kiirmasana (363 and 364); Miilabandh­
asana (462); Bharadwajasana I & II (297 and 299); Marlchyasana III
(303); Ardha Matsyendrasana I (311); Malasana I & II (32I and 322);
Pasasana (328); Hanumanasana (475); Supta Trivikramasana (478);
U��rasana (41); Dwipada Viparlta Dandasana (5I6). If possible,
ParipoorJ;la Matsyendrasana (336).
Sp ermatorrhoea
Slr�asana and cycle (184 to 2I8); Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 271 );
Paschimottanasana (I6o); Baddha Konasana (I03); Miilabandhasana
(462); Kandasana (470); Ujjayi (Sec
tion 203) and Na�l Sodhana
PraJ;layama (Section 205) without retention for 2 to 3 months, then
do them with inhalation retention.
Follow the asanas under Spermatorrhoea.
Thrombosis of the legs
Salamba Sarvangasana I, if possible (234); Halasana (244); Virasana

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