Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
) () c ;\ I II E " LT II $I8.oo

Light on Yc>ga has become the bible for hundred s of thousands of people

·who practiC'e Yoga daily with the Iyengar method, for ex<•rcisr, medita­

tion. or simpl) rrlaxation. With more than 600 photographs depicting

all the postures and breathing exercises, it remains the fullc t, most

practical, and most profusely illustrated guide by the world's foremost

Yoga teacher. Light on Yoga is a comprehensive and definitive source­

book for the initiated, as well as the best introduetion for tlw novice who

seeks tht' healthful benefits of Yoga for mind, body, and sou I.

"[Yoga] is a technique ideally suited to prevent physical and mental

illi1ess and to protect the body generally .... By its very nature it is inex­

tricably associated with universal la\IS: for respect for life, truth, and

patience are all indispensable factors in the dra\-ing of a quiet breath, in

calmness of mind and firmnes of will. This book '"ill serve to spread

this basic art and will ensure that it is practiced at its highe t level."

-Yehudi Menuhin

B.K.S. Iyengar, for whom hundreds of Iyengar Lnstitutes all over the

world arc named, heads his own institute in India.

Cm En DES I(,;\ m C.\L\ L'i CHl
'cuo<:�<..E'\ BooKs. :\ t:w 't ORK
,;95 Pnu\TEO 111, THE L �A.
c, 199-1 R-\1\ ooM HousE. be.

ISBN 0-8052-1031-8
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