Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High

(ff) #1

you'll have a hard time getting dialogue right. When conversa­
tions become crucial you'll resort to the forms of communication
that you've grown up with-debate, silent treatment, manipula­
tion, and so on.

Let's start with a true story. Two young sisters and their father scur­
ry into their hotel room after spending a hot afternoon at Disney­
land. Given the repressive heat, the girls have consumed enough
soda pop to fill a small barrel. As the two bursting kids enter their
room, they have but one thought-to head for the head.
Since the bathroom is a one-holer, it isn't long until a fight
breaks out. Both of the desperate children start arguing, pushing,
and name-calling as they dance around the tiny bathroom. Event­
ually one calls out to her father for help.
"Dad, 1 got here first!"
"I know, but 1 need to go worse!"
"How do you know? You're not in my body. 1 didn't even go
before we left this morning!"
"You're so selfish."
Dad proposes a plan. "Girls, I'm not going to solve this for
you. You can stay in the bathroom and fi gure out who goes fi rst
and who goes second. There's only one rule. No hitting."
As the two antsy kids begin their crucial conversation, Dad
checks his watch. He wonders how long it'll take. As the minutes
slowly tick away, he hears nothing more than an occasional out­
burst of sarcasm. Finally after twenty-five long minutes, the toi­
let flushes. One girl comes out. A minute later, another flush and
out walks her sister. With both girls in the room, Dad asks, "Do
you know how many times both of you could have gone to the
bathroom in the time it took you to work that out?"
The idea had not occurred to the little scamps, but the instant
it does, it's obvious what both immediately conclude.
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