Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

man who played Volpone to Napoleon's Mosca. P. Bastid, Sieyes et sa
pensee (Paris 1939) concentrates on his role as constitution maker. See also
R. Marquant, Les Archives Sieyes (Paris 1970). For Lucien, in addition to
works already cited, F. Pietri, Lucien Bonaparte (Paris 1939) is
particularly good for his role on 19 Brumaire. Cambaceres has attracted a
lot of interest: there is comte de Lamothe-Yangon, Les apres-diners de
Cambaceres (Paris 1946); Fram;ois Papillard, Cambaceres (Paris 1991);
Richard Boulind, Cambaceres and the Bonapartes (1976); P. Vialles,
L 'Archichancelier Cambaceres d'apres des documents inedits (1908). Stefan
Zweig, Fouche (1930) is the most probing psychological study of the
loathsome chief of police, on whose activities further light is shed in L.
Madelin, Fouche Paris 1901), Jean Rigotard, La police parisienne de
Napoleon (Paris 1990) and E.A. Arnold, Fouche, Napoleon and the General
Police (Washington DC, 1979).
The important women of this period are dealt with in Michel Lacou­
Gayet, Marie-Caroline reine de Naples, une adversaire de Napoleon (Paris
1990) and Henri Guillemin, Madame de Stael, Benjamin Constant et
Napoleon (Paris 1959). For women in general see Jean Tulard, La vie
quotidienne des Franfais sous Napoleon (Paris 1978); Linda Kelly, Women of
the French Revolution (1987). For the Jacobins see X. Biagard, Le Comte
Real, ancien Jacobin (Paris 1937) and I. Woloch, Jacobin Legacy: The
Democratic Movement under the Directory (Princeton 1970).
The overthrow of the Directory raises the thorny question of the entire
relationship of Napoleon to the men of Thermidor and to the French
Revolution in general. Although this subject is briefly mentioned in the
main text of the next chapter, it will be convenient to provide here the
most relevant titles for this never-ending debate. So: Joe H. Kirchberger,
The French Revolution and Napoleon (1989); Stephen Pratt, The French
Revolution and Napoleon (1992); John Brooman, Revolution in France, the
Era of the French Revolution and Napoleon, I78g-I815 (1992); Martyn
Lyons, Napoleon Bonaparte and the Legacy of the French Revolution
(1994); Owen Connolly, The French Revolution and Napoleon Era (Fort
Worth, Texas 1991); R. Holtman, The Napoleonic Revolution (Philadel­
phia 1967), L. Bergeron, France under Napoleon (Princeton 1981).


For the military campaign of 18oo see Jean Tranie, La Deuxieme
Campagne d'Italie, 18oo (Paris 1991). G.M.J.R. Cugnac, Campagne de
l'armee de Reserve en 18 oo, 2 vols (Paris 1901); Edouard Driault, Napoleon
en Italie (Paris 1906); Edouard Gachot, La Deuxieme Campagne d'Italie
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